
Showing posts from January, 2010

c++ - Creating "OmniFocus Clippings" support for Thunderbird on Mac OS X: what tools and documentation references needed? -

i want add omnifocus clippings support thunderbird running on mac os x (10.6 , above). presuming doesn't exist (i can't work--no references on web working), tools/references need complete job? can download , build tb ok; pre-existing guides on how make tb add-ons/extensions me there; it's "mac os x services programming" (or whatever required tb "talk" omnifocus via "omnifocus: send inbox" service ; see screenshot ) don't know how manage. if possible, pls include pointers in tb code base need update. ultimately, understand "thunderbird" entry must shown via omnifocus clippings preference dialogue window ...? i've logged tb "bug" plus started discussion @ omnifocus forums. i want update installed tb instance possible. i'm happy hack downloaded src code branch (from tb's mercurial or whatever) , re-apply patch each tb version upgrade... assuming feature add not cumbersome. don't yet have

sql - Multiple Counts Over Multiple Dates -

i doing following query (edited): select count(orders) orders_table order_open_date<=##/##/#### , order_close_date>=##/##/#### where ##/##/##### same date. in essence number of 'open' orders given day. wanting same count every single day year , don't want write separate query each day whole year. i'm sorry simple new sql , guess don't know how search answer question since searches have come nothing. can offer. why not select order_date, count(orders) orders_table group order_date and last year select order_date, count(orders) orders_table order_date > date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 year) group order_date;

amazon web services - How do you create a directory structure using the ruby aws-sdk on s3? -

i trying upload entire directory s3 using ruby aws-sdk gem. first trying break down in smaller problems trying create 1 single folder , place file inside of folder. know technically s3 not have folders, objects. know can have directory-like structure though. can not find on how online , docs don't mention lot directory structure besides reading aws::s3::tree this current attempt @ creating folder , adding file folder: #created object called test obj = bucket.objects.create('test', 'data') #this path css file uploading. path_to_file = './directory/mobile/player.css' #writing file test object obj.write( what doing writing css file test. want create css file inside folder named test. i sure misunderstanding way objects related directories. can spot going wrong or point me in correct direction? you can use following code: # instantiate s3 client aws credentials s3 = :access_key_id => 'aws

Windows Azure Bandwidth Pricing -

ok guys, must missing here. as far understand it: windows azure charge $239.40 2tb outbound traffic / month ... godaddy, on other hand, charge $219.99 10tb outbound traffic, including 4 core dedicated server ... so, missing here? why bandwidth charges high when hosting on windows azure? thank you. what missing metric: allocated bandwidth (mbps). found, godaddy 10 mbps, azure small vms gets 100.

javascript - Delayed appearance of 2nd menu, after answer is entered in first menu -

i needed secend menu appear, prompted answer selected in first menu. second menu appears supposed to, appears (as appears before first menu dropdown links disappear after selection). people don't notice second menu has appeared. delay appearance of second menu, if possible, maybe 1 second. can help? paste condensed version of have far below: <div align="center"><font color="#000080" size="6"><strong>step 1</strong></font> <form> <select style="background-color: #f81414; font-family: 'arial'; color: #ffffff; font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold" id="opts" onchange = "showform()"> <option value="0" selected="selected">click here select brand</option> <option value="1">bissell</option> <option value="2">hoover</option> </select> </form> <br /> <div style=&qu

c# - Windows Store App writing sqlite query into the listview's textblocks -

i developing windows store application. using sqlite database , want put result of select query listview. listview has grids, , textboxes inside these grids. cannot target these textboxes in c# when gave name them. here code sample project: first sqlite query: private void page_loaded(object sender, routedeventargs e) { string dbpath = string.empty; dbpath = path.combine(, "mydb.s3db"); using (var db= new sqlite.sqliteconnection(dbpath)) { var query= db.table<company>(); var result= query.tolist(); foreach( var x in result ) { company frm= new company(); //addition listview... } } } everything works above except typing listview. have tested textblocks outside listview. and xaml: <listview name="lv" grid.column="1" horizontalalignment="stretch" verticalalignment="stretch" marg

javascript - JS - file onload() doesn't work with android browser -

i have application similar example if use concept file upload on ipad/android not work. image not loaded browser wether onload() nor onloadend() html: <input type="file" name="myfileselect" /> js: // bind change event of our file input $("input[name='myfileselect']").on("change", function(){ // reference filelist var files = !!this.files ? this.files : []; // if no files selected, or no filereader support, return if ( !files.length || !window.filereader ) return; // proceed if selected file image if ( /^image/.test( files[0].type ) ) { // create new instance of filereader var reader = new filereader(); // read local file dataurl reader.readasdataurl( files[0] ); // when loaded, set image data background of page reader.onloadend = function(){ $("html").css("background-image", "url(" + this.result + ")&quo

How to make javascript wait until it gets a valid response from synchronous http request? -

i know not idea use synchronous requests case need it. i have tried make getenddate function calling if response lenght less 20 after first unsuccessfull request (if url gives short response) goes alert(enddate.eddayow); , getting error, , getenddate continues sending request every 500 ms. i need getenddate function continue sending request until valid response , return valid object, , after continue next line of js. how achieve that? var url = ''; // url returns plain text: // 1234567890 2013 05 may friday 13 23 45 01 var enddate = getenddate(url); alert(enddate.eddayow); function getenddate(url) { var xmlhttp = getxmlhttp();'get', url, false); xmlhttp.send(); if (xmlhttp.status == 200 && xmlhttp.responsetext.length > 20) { var n = xmlhttp.responsetext.split(" "); return { 'edseconds': n[0], 'edyear': n[1],

security - Secured communication in a real time game -

i want create real time multiplayer game , wonder how should secure , identify each user. instance imagine have map 5 players in it, each player sends every 1/60 seconds position via udp server. how should message like? maybe udp message client server be: repos player player id x , y but send billions of messages server player id wants , manage every user's position. ideas how should resolved? you rightly notice spoofing main threat here. one way address require players sign in first. on successful sign in, give them token or temporary key , use key check validity of each message. for checking validity, can either sign messages 1 of digital signature schemes or include secret temporary token along message. you can further improve scheme replacing secret key every few minutes. need separate message type, has authenticated existing temporary key.

c++ - "No instance of overloaded function 'getline'.." -

part of code: string name; cin >> name; ifstream userfile( name + ".txt"); if (userfile.good()){ // read away cout << "password? \n"; string pw; cin >> pw; //checking if pw matches getline(userfile, 1); so using namespace std , include sstream string fstream iostream. says argumented types (std::ifstream, int) doing wrong here? edit: thought 2nd parameter referred line you'd read. explain me how select line can read in different way? quoting std::istream::getline , not have prototype takes ifstream object , size_t . istream& getline (char* s, streamsize n ); istream& getline (char* s, streamsize n, char delim ); also quoting std::getline (string) ,it has following: istream& getline (istream& is, string& str, char delim); istream& getline (istream&& is, string& str, char delim); istream& getline (i

ruby on rails - Validate uniqueness of street address -

this general question: if want validate uniqueness of street address , want make sure semantic equalities "drive" , "dr" counted same thing in validate, how/where declare such equalities validation? you need normalize addresses somehow. recommend geocoder gem google.

c++ - Problems with std::piecewise_constant_distribution and std::vector -

given bunch of strings i'm trying create program can mimic pseudo-random behaviour weighted distribution based on input. so far came this #include <iostream> #include <random> #include <type_traits> #include <map> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <initializer_list> #define n 100 int main() { std::vector<std::string> interval{"bread", "castle", "sun"}; std::vector<float> weights { 0.40f, 0.50f, 0.10f }; std::piecewise_constant_distribution<> dist(interval.begin(), interval.end(), weights.begin()); std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()) ; for(int = 0; i<n;i++) { std::cout << dist(gen) << "\n"; } return(0); } but thing doesn't works , have no clue why, usual usage of std::piecewise_constant_distr

serialization - Java unchecked or unsafe operations message -

i getting following error when compiling java class in bluej . uses unchecked or unsafe operations. this error displayed when following deserialization code in 1 of functions: try { objectinputstream in = new objectinputstream(new fileinputstream(filename)); arraylist<auctionitem> auctionlist = (arraylist<auctionitem>) in.readobject(); in.close(); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } can please have information why error being displayed, , use deserialization code without error. first message not error, warning; doesn't prevent program compiling, or running. as source, line: arraylist<auctionitem> auctionlist = (arraylist<auctionitem>) in.readobject(); since casting object ( readobject returns object ) parameterized type ( arraylist<auctionitem> ).

android - Start Activity after getting GPS Location -

how can start activity after have retrieved location of phone through gps? have splash screen dismiss after phone has gotten location of phone. have following code: private locationlistener locationlistener = new locationlistener() { @override public void onlocationchanged(location location) { locmanager.removeupdates(this); intent intent = new intent(this, secondactivity.class); startactivity(intent); } @override public void onproviderdisabled(string provider) { } @override public void onproviderenabled(string provider) { } @override public void onstatuschanged(string provider, int status, bundle extras) { } }; after location retrieved remove updates , want start next activity. suggestions? startactivity() needs context . if inside of activity try intent intent = new intent(youractivity.this, secondactivity.class); youractivityname.this.startactivity(intent); if separate class need pass

java - Data Creation from spreadsheet for Parameterized Junit Test -

i have written test class few of test cases inside using selenium junit. need run these tests based on configuration values stored in spread sheet. 1 please me how write parameterized junit cases can execute tests based on values in spreadsheet. i trying below still no luck, could please provide me sample example in test executed based on data stored in file (spreadsheet). @parameters public static collection read_config() throws exception { string file_path; string s3; sheet s; arraylist<string> list1 = new arraylist<string>(); .... .... /*return arrays.aslist(new object[][] { });*/ } //} } public mytest (arraylist<string> list) { ....

Char Method javascript -

having issues... can tell me did wrong on javascript code: function getname() { var the_name = window.prompt("enter first name", ""); var first_char = the_name.charat(0); if(first_char = "s") { document.write(the_name); } else { window.alert("please enter name starts uppercase s have displayed."); } } then not valid syntax, , use == on string compare function getname() { var the_name=window.prompt("enter first name",""); var first_char = the_name.charat(0); if(first_char== "s") { document.write(the_name); } else { window.alert("please enter name starts uppercase s have displayed."); } }

osx - Objective c: How to know the progress of unzipping in using ZipArchive -

this question has answer here: how display file unzip progress? 3 answers i use ziparchive unzip file in objective c. there way of knowing progress when starts unzip (like percentage done etc.). or have create delegate retrieve progress myself? !! there's no way of doing ziparchive. ssziparchive has feature implemented on delegate method: - (void)ziparchivedidunzipfileatindex:(nsinteger)fileindex totalfiles:(nsinteger)totalfiles archivepath:(nsstring *)archivepath fileinfo:(unz_file_info)fileinfo;

javascript - Aligning Image Slideshow button HTML5 -

so have trouble arranging images line next 1 horizontally. slideshows modified act buttons instead. used easyslider javascript perform function, not sure if easyslider might cause. thing line down vertically. tried adding "float : left" css id element , attach images no avail. <div id="sliderparent"> <div class="slider"> <ul> <li> <a href="#article1"><img class="sliderimg"src="images/example-slide-1.jpg" /></a></li> <li> <a href="#article1"><img class="sliderimg"src="images/example-slide-2.jpg" /></a></li> <li> <a href="#article1"><img class="sliderimg"src="images/example-slide-3.jpg" /></a></li> <li>

SQL Server - How to convert the first next char to uppercase after the '/' sign -

i have question on how convert first next char uppercase after '/' sign in string. as example : customername : ramayanan s/o vicky ratnam first need in propercase, use : update dbo.table set customername = dbo.propercase(customername) result : ramayanan s/o vicky ratnam but need : ramayanan s/o vicky ratnam (the first char after / should in uppercase ) please check: declare @t table(insurance varchar(max)) insert @t values ('roeselare') insert @t values ('brugge') insert @t values ('ramayanan s/o vicky ratnam') select ( select upper(t.n.value('.', 'char(1)'))+ lower(stuff(t.n.value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 1, 1, ''))+(case when right(t.n.value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 1)='/' '' else ' ' end) x.insxml.nodes('/n') t(n) xml path(''), type ).value('.', 'varchar(max)') insurance

delphi - XE4 ( Firemonkey + iOS Static Library) , Pascal conversion from Objective C Class? -

how conversion ? (objective c class -> delphi xe4 ) and how use objective-c class in static library delphi xe ? following first trial. makes error. objective c source // objective c : test.h ---------------------------------------- @interface objc_test : nsobject { bool busy; } - (int) test :(int) value; @end // objective c : test.m ---------------------------------------- @implementation objc_test - (int) test :(int) value { busy = true; return( value + 1); } @end here wrong conversion code. how fix ? delphi source // delphi xe4 / ios ------------------------------------------- {$l test.a} // objc static library type objc_test = interface (nsobject) function test(value : integer) : integer; cdecl; end; tobjc_test = class(toclocal) public function getobjectivecclass : ptypeinfo; override; function test(value : integer): integer; cdecl; end; implmentation function tobjc_test.getobjectivecclass : ptypeinfo; begin result := t

How to add a video file when starting an android app -

i want play video file while starting android application. i've tried it's not working properly. i've got error message , tells video can't played. i've saved video(.mp4 extension) in raw folder. i've set path such following: path = "android.resource://" + r.raw.myvideo; this java file. package; import; import; import android.os.bundle; import; import android.content.intent; import; import android.widget.toast; import android.widget.videoview; @suppresswarnings("unused") public class mainactivity extends activity { private videoview videoview; string extstoragedirectory; protected static final int play = 0x101; protected static final int stop = 0x102; protected static final int pause = 0x103; int state; private string current; private string path; privat

c# - Programatiically login to a website that uses IIS authentication -

hi trying login website programmatically.i have worked on php page , used below code (found on stack overflow) login , worked great. private static string getdatafromphp(string formurl, string geturl, string username, string password, out bool status) { try { string formparams = string.format("access_login={0}&access_password={1}", username, password); string cookieheader; webrequest req = webrequest.create(formurl); req.contenttype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; req.method = "post"; byte[] bytes = encoding.ascii.getbytes(formparams); req.contentlength = bytes.length; using (stream os = req.getrequeststream()) { os.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } webresponse resp = req.getresponse(); cookiehead

java - TestNG Make assert in multithread way (not run in multithread) -

my problem need call method in multithread way, such @test public void assigninmutithread() { thread thread1 = new thread(new assignandexpect(0)); thread1.start(); thread thread2 = new thread(new assignandexpect(1)); thread2.start(); thread1.join(); thread2.join(); } thread send http request , check if response equals expect. need override public void run() method, can not return response code test method. public class assignexecuteandassert implements runnable{ int expectedassert = 0; public assignexecuteandassert(int expectedassert) { this.expectedassert = expectedassert; } public void run() { httpget assign1 = new httpget("http://localhost:8707/assign?uuid="+(new random().nextint(99999))); httpclient httpclient = new defaulthttpclient(); httpresponse response = httpclient.execute(assign1); inputstream inputstream = response.getentity().getcontent(); int resoponsestatus - Session becoming Null after Response.redirect -

i set 2 sessions fill database: session("username") = reader.item("user_name").tostring session("department") = reader.item("user_department").tostring to add restrictions depending on department user signing in (it department, customer service, etc..) sessions readable form login.aspx form default.aspx but in other pages: if session("department")<>"it" response.redirect("login.aspx") end if this redirects login.aspx , session("department") equals nothing any idea on why doing so? tried searching missing in code , couldn't find anything. the key case sensitive, change "department". it's set "department"

java - Online games: update the clients with deltas or with the new status -

i'm implementing online chess android , have question how update players other player's movements. for example lets imagine player1 moves tower a1 a7. what should do? send player2: "a1 a7" (with kind of checksum of full board avoid errors) send player2 full board 32 pieces support both. only send deltas during events, but allow client request full state, reason, through separate api. include , increment sequence number each event trivial client detect missed updates.

java - Mapping Files and POJOS from Database for postgres not working -

im using netbeans 7.3 , windows 7 , postgres 9.2 , created java web project hibernate 3.2.5 (driver = postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4) i added new project postgres database info, after created reverse engineering file netbeans tool , used wizard "hibernate mapping files , pojos database..." , doesn't create classes, tested mysql , works prefect. the problem when use hibernate postgres. i use same environment (except hibernate version). when go services tab under databases, jdbc connection postgres appear? if so, can connect execute query? under 'new hibernate mapping files , pojos database' dialog, assume have code generation settings domain code selected well. and .. hibernate.reveng.xml file have entries elements? these map 1:1 tables in database.

dotcloud - Use Google App Engine as a reverse proxy to my local server -

background before dotcloud decides shut down free sandbox service, used sort of reverse proxy reroute requests particular domain, local server of mine in i'm hosting mono based application (.net 3.5 web app running on cent-os linux). essentially, domain forwarded requests dotcloud app , app, through ssh, local server. question i wonder if similar setup possible google app engine. appreciated. more information i got idea here . dotcloud app nothing nginx configuration file forwards http(s) requests ssh port bound local port (which configured web server use). as motive, well, bought host service php stack , later on decided not use php. in order avoid purchase used dotcloud.

Ruby code for openssl to generate fingerprint -

i need ruby equivalent of following: openssl x509 -sha1 -fingerprint -noout -in cert.pem the code wrote is: data ="cert.pem") data["-----begin certificate-----\n"]="" data["-----end certificate-----\n"]="" this code not generate same fingerprint openssl cli command does. any idea may doing wrong? as gtrig mentions, openssl command line builds fingerprint hashing der encoding of certificate, not base64 pem representation. can parse using pure openssl: file_data ="cert.pem") cert = puts shameless plug: r509 can so: cert = r509::cert.load_from_file("cert.pem") puts cert.fingerprint('sha1') if need in colon separated form can take hash , "fingerprint".scan(/../).map{ |s| s.upcase }.join(":")

Efficient way to replace strings in java -

i have string template this: http://server/{x}/{y}/{z}/{t}/{a}.json and have values: int x=1,y=2,z=3,t=4,a=5; i want know efficent way replace {x} value of x , , y,z,t,z ? another way ( c# way ;) ): messageformat mformat = new messageformat("http://server/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}.json"); object[] params = {x, y, z, t, a}; system.out.println(mformat.format(params)); output: http://server/1/2/3/4/5.json

javascript - How to disable a particular row in Picker in Sencha touch -

i have created picker in sencha touch 2.1. data displaying properly. want disable particular value not if select value , click " donebutton " shouldn't taken. example: function loadpicker(paramname, valueset) { ext.viewport.remove(ext.getcmp(paramname + 'pickerfield'), true); if (!paramname.picker) { paramname.picker = ext.viewport.add({ xtype: 'picker', id: paramname + 'pickerfield', usetitles: true, slots: [{ name: paramname, title: paramname, data: valueset }], donebutton: { listeners: { tap: function(button, event, eopts) { var selectedpacingmodevalue = ext.getcmp(paramname + 'pickerfield').getvalue()[paramname]; sendsetpendingrequest(paramname, selectedpacingmodevalue);

loadrunner - Recording Script in LoadRunner11.50 with IE9 using 'Ajax -Click and script' Protocol Getting Error "IE has been stop working" -

i facing problem in bellow scenario : using - windows 7 (64bit), ie9, lr 11.50, , 'ajax -click , script' protocol. recording below scenario 1) navigate application![alt text][1] 2) logged in admin credential 3) click on link while recording clicking on link, getting popup error 'internet explorer has stopped working' please find error attachment. same scenario doing manually working fine. but same scenarios logged in different credential working fine ..... why happening admin credential ? can 1 please me problem : 1) recording setting issue 2) ie setting issue 3) application issue 4) or else you have number of issues in play see release notes regarding recording in 64 bit environments. vugen 32 bit product. for 11.0 , later recommended path either truclient (if need ajax support) or http. click , script variants there historical purposes recommended path higher or lower in osi model

osx - what's wrong with my applescript-syntax error: expected "then", etc. but found class name -

tell application "system events" set window_check false repeat until (window_check) set frontapp name of first application process frontmost true if frontapp "microsoft outlook" tell process "microsoft outlook" if class of front window draft window --syntax error: expected "then", etc. found class name display dialog "draft" set window_check true end if end tell end if end repeat end tell when save script, pop error "syntax error: expected "then", etc. found class name" (see comment error location) what's wrong script? you have tell outlook, not system events... tell application "microsoft outlook" return class of front window draft window

php - How can I make a dropdown box have multiple values? -

i have 2 tables ('players' , 'team'). user can select player name drop down list play in position, player name gets saved 'team' table under corresponding field name. code works fine if it's 1 player name getting saved, try save more (i need able save 15) gives me sql injection error. ik i'm trying save save value 15 columns, how can make dropdown list 15 different values? here's code: <?php //include database connection information. include('connect.php'); //start session. session_start(); //function display names in drop down list box populated players table. function get_name(){ $sql = "select player_id, name players"; $result = mysql_query($sql); //while loop echo out player names select box. echo "<select name='name'>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo"<option value='" . $row['player_id'] . "'>" . $row['name'] . "</op

php - Do Ajax requests still finish when leaving the page? -

i have situation need run php, need send out soap request , wait response, , that, these requests can slow , take 9 seconds. now don't want user sitting there waiting 9 seconds complete. basically user flow is.. user comes payment page user clicks button pay via payment gateway (paypal) user returns site (soap request , need finished @ stage) i thinking of running paypal ipn notification didn't think finished time user got site. so, i'm wondering if send off call when user hits first page via ajax , have run whilst user submitting payment , time site should done -- it's not big deal if don't end going through payment, i'm not worried running code before confirming payment. my question is, if fire off run via ajax, code still executed if user leaves page before has finished? if not, ideas? once request sent server, irrespective of whether navigate away page server side of request completed. the thing not happen execution of client s

parsing - i want to extract table data in a html file using perl -

i'm novice programmer. have around 100 html files , each file have extract data different rows , store separately. wrote following code, 1 please me figure out flaws. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use html::tableextract ; my$te = html::tableextract->new(headers => [qw('compound' 'name' 'adduct' 'adduct mw (da)' 'compound mw (da)' 'delta')]) ; @files = </home/akhila/sta/hmdb_hits/com_pks_stn/*.html>; foreach $files(@files){ $te ->parse_file($files) or die "cannot parse file"; foreach $ts ($te->table()){ print "table(", join(',', $ts->coords),"):\n"; foreach my$row($ts->rows()){ print join(',', @$row), "\n"; } } } you need read how quota operators works in perl. try next code , immediatelly see problem. use strict; use warnings; use data::dumper; use html::tableextract; $te1 = html::tableex

android - OpenGL-es projection doesn't seem to work -

i've tried following lessons drawing shapes , applying projections them found here , projection doesn't seem work. far know i've copy-pasted pieces of code in project, here important code parts: in renderer class: @override public void ondrawframe(gl10 unused) { gles20.glclear(gles20.gl_color_buffer_bit); // set camera position (view matrix) matrix.setlookatm(mvmatrix, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // calculate projection , view transformation matrix.multiplymm(mmvpmatrix, 0, mprojmatrix, 0, mvmatrix, 0); // draw shape mtriangle.draw(mmvpmatrix); } @override public void onsurfacechanged(gl10 unused, int width, int height) { gles20.glviewport(0, 0, width, height); float ratio = (float) width / height; matrix.frustumm(mprojmatrix, 0, -ratio, ratio, -1, 1, 3, 7); } the draw method of triangle class: public void draw(float[] mvpmatrix) { gles20.gluseprogram(mprogram); mpositionhandle = gles20.glge

scala - Intellij IDEA don't recognize Play 2.0 features -

i checked out project github, run sbt gen-idea , opened project in idea. 1 of project modules uses play 2.0 framework. but idea don't recognize symbols specific play!. i.e. following error: cannot resolve symbol index in following statement views.html.index . same errors on other specific play! framework features, example same error on routes variable. p.s. have installed play 2.0 , scala , sbt plugins , configured play 2.0 framework root directory (in project settings - play configuration ) personally, don't use play addon intellij. it's far quicker , reliable use command-line in order compile/generate different elements including famous *.template.scala , @ origin of cannot resolve symbol index notification. all have run command-line based on app's root folder: play compile . of course, not rebuild project intellij, otherwize you'd erase generated class files command-line. when dealing non-managed resources (like templates), make cm

tiles2 - org.apache.tiles.TilesException: Attribute 'header' not found in struts2 -

i used tiles in struts application. getting error like servlet.service() servlet [jsp] in context path [/sample_struts2] threw exception [javax.servlet.servletexception: javax.servlet.jsp.jspexception: error executing tag: attribute 'header' not found.] root cause struts.xml <package name="tiles-sample" extends="tiles-default"> <result-types> <result-type name="tiles" class="org.apache.struts2.views.tiles.tilesresult" /> </result-types> <action name="*link" method="{1}" class="com.sample.tilesaction"> <result name="welcome" type="tiles">welcome</result> <result name="friends" type="tiles">friends</result> <result name="office" type="tiles">office</result> </action> web.xml <context-param> <param-name>org.apache.tiles

Crittercism - Is integration with android really that easy? -

this first time integrating crash reporting service application. so, please bear me if dumb question... i have followed instructions given here , (i hopefully)integrated crittercism 1 of projects. application still under development, can't see reports myself , got work. can let me know, apart doing steps given in above link, have else, work on application? if done integrating, crash reports activities in app? because, see lot of questions on crittercism @ so, don't understand yet. i'm rob, 1 of co-founders of crittercism. yes, straightfoward adding jar , initializing sdk with: crittercism.init(getapplicationcontext(), "crittercism_app_id"); an easy way check you've integrated correctly loading live stats page in app (there should tab on left hand side of page labelled "live stats"). on page, can see live view of app sessions, crashes, , handled exceptions in real time. can load app in simulator or on android device , watch