Custom Form not showing up in magento -

i having difficulty getting form show on magento store working on. site has contact form i've copied form.phtml file , renamed brochure.phtml. i've created static page on cms section , added line of code based on this qusetion

 {{block type="core/template"  template="contacts/brochure.phtml"}} 

when view page though nothing shows up. doing wrong? i've never used magento before please detailed in answers if can.

cms -> pages ->select page -> select "content" on left side navigation

post code there

{{block type="core/template" name="contactform" form_action="/contacts/index/post" template="contacts/brochure.phtml"}}

make sure brochure.phtml file in same folder form.phtml file. if cms page coming header, body format , rest of website layout middle content section plain white not loading brochure.phtml. if case try loading default form, replace "brochure.phtml" "form.phtml" , reload page. if see default form know brochure.phtml file in wrong location.

hope fixes problem.


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