php - cannot display multiple markers in google maps v3 from traceroute result -

i'm newbie in php mysql , google maps v3. have problems in google maps v3. made traceroute web based , map traceroute's result in google maps v3 final project of college education. have try many tutorials didn't work. have tried tutorials in forum nothing worked. problem cannot display multiple markers got location data database. maybe because i'm newbie , not know how do. confuse looping show markers. here code

<?php error_reporting(e_all ^ (e_notice)); ini_set('max_execution_time', 360); $enable_log_user = false;  global $ip, $host_name,  $host_ip;  $host  = @$_post['host'];  $trace = @$_post['trace']; $self  = $_server['php_self'];  include("phpsqlajax_dbinfo.php"); $connection = mysql_connect ('', $username, $password); if (!$connection) {  die('not connected : ' . mysql_error());}   $db_selected = mysql_select_db($database, $connection); if (!$db_selected) {   die ('can\'t use db : ' . mysql_error()); }   ?> <!doctype html >   <head>     <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>     <title>php/mysql & google maps example</title>     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>     <script type="text/javascript">     //<![cdata[   </script>   </head> <body onload="initialize()"> var pinimage = new google.maps.markerimage ("|%e2%80%a2|cc3300|000000|ff9900",         new google.maps.size (70, 83),         new google.maps.point (0,0),         new google.maps.point (10,34));     var pinshadow = new google.maps.markerimage ("",         new google.maps.size (89, 85),         new google.maps.point (0, 0),         new google.maps.point (12, 35));      var map;     function initialize() {     var mylatlng = new google.maps.latlng(41.258531,-96.012599);     var myoptions = {     zoom: 2,     center: mylatlng,     maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap     }     map = new"map_canvas"), myoptions);     <!-- var infowindow = new google.maps.infowindow; -->     }      </script>     <form name="tools" action="<?php $self ?>" method="post">     <p><font size="2">your ip <?php $ip ?> </font></p>     <input type="text" name="host" value=""></input>     <input type="submit" name="trace" value="traceroute!"></input>     </form>     <?php     if ($_post['submit'])  {     if (($host == 'enter host or ip') || ($host == "")) {         echo '<br><br>you must enter valid host or ip address.';         exit; }       if(eregi("^[a-z]",  $host))     {         $host_name = $host;         $host_ip = gethostbyname($host);     }     else     {         $host_name = gethostbyaddr($host);         $host_ip = $host;     }  }       $host= preg_replace ("[-a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~]","",$host);     $command = "tracert $host";     $fp = shell_exec("$command 2>&1");     $output .= (htmlentities(trim($fp)));     echo "<pre>$output</pre>";     echo '<br/>';      $array = array($output);     $space_separated = implode(" ", $array);      function exploderows($data) {       $rowsarr = explode("\n", $data);       return $rowsarr;     }     function explodetabs($singleline) {       $parsed = preg_split('/ +/', $singleline);       return $parsed;     }     $data     = $space_separated;     $rowsarr  = exploderows($data);      for($a=3;$a<count($rowsarr)-2;$a++)      {         $linedetails[$a] = explodetabs($rowsarr[$a]);          if (empty($linedetails[$a][9]))         {             $iplist[] = $linedetails[$a][8];         }         else         {             $iplist[] = substr($linedetails[$a][9], 1, -1);         }     }      ($b=0; $b<count($iplist); $b++)     {         if ($iplist[$b] != "")         {             $arrline[]=$iplist[$b];         }     }  function ip_address_to_number($ipaddress) {     if ($ipaddress == "") {         return 0;     } else {         $ips = explode (".", "$ipaddress");         return ($ips[3] + $ips[2] * 256 + $ips[1] * 256 * 256 + $ips[0] * 256 * 256 * 256);     } } for($c=0; $c<count($arrline); $c++) { $integer[] = ip_address_to_number($arrline[$c]); }     foreach ($integer $lokasi) {     $query = "select cl.locid, country, cl.region region, city, cl.postalcode postalcode, cl.latitude latitude, cl.longitude longitude, cl.metrocode metrocode, cl.areacode areacode     (select locid idcihuy cityblocks $lokasi between startipnum , endipnum) cb, citylocation cl cb.idcihuy = cl.locid";     $result = mysql_query($query);     while ($location = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){     $country[] = $location['country'];     $region[] = $location['region'];     $city[] = $location['city'];     $postalcode[] = $location['postalcode'];     $latitude[] = $location['latitude'];     $longitude[] = $location['longitude'];     $metrocode[] = $location['metrocode'];     $areacode[] = $location['areacode'];     }     }     ?>     <script type="text/javascript">      var point = new google.maps.latlng(<?php echo $latitude ?>, <?php echo $longitude; ?>);      var icon = pinimage;      var marker = new google.maps.marker({         map: map,         position: point,         icon: pinimage,         shadow: pinshadow         });     </script> <div id="map_canvas" style="width: 900px; height: 500px"></div> </body> </html> 

okay, here html source code, yes there's wrong seems :

<!doctype html >    <head>      <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />      <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>      <title>php/mysql & google maps example</title>      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>      <script type="text/javascript">      //<![cdata[      var pinimage = new google.maps.markerimage ("|%e2%80%a2|cc3300|000000|ff9900",          new google.maps.size (70, 83),          new google.maps.point (0,0),          new google.maps.point (10,34));      var pinshadow = new google.maps.markerimage ("",          new google.maps.size (89, 85),          new google.maps.point (0, 0),          new google.maps.point (12, 35));        var map;      function initialize() {      var mylatlng = new google.maps.latlng(41.258531,-96.012599);      var myoptions = {      zoom: 2,      center: mylatlng,      maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap      }      map = new"map_canvas"), myoptions);      <!-- var infowindow = new google.maps.infowindow; -->      }       </script>    </head>  <body onload="initialize()">  <form name="tools" action="" method="post">      <p><font size="2">your ip  </font></p>      <input type="text" name="host" value=""></input>      <input type="submit" name="trace" value="traceroute!"></input>      </form>      <pre>tracing route [] on maximum of 30 hops:    1     *        *        *     request timed out.   2   199 ms   177 ms   179 ms    3   385 ms   359 ms   299 ms    4  2005 ms  1400 ms  1536 ms    5  1857 ms  1277 ms  1874 ms    6  2359 ms  3401 ms     *    7  2477 ms  2641 ms     *    8  2230 ms  1203 ms  1570 ms    9  1595 ms  1642 ms  3005 ms []   10     *        *        *     request timed out.  11     *     2517 ms  3294 ms   12  1632 ms  2961 ms  1297 ms   trace complete.</pre><br/>      <script type="text/javascript">       var point = new google.maps.latlng(-5.0000, 120.0000);       var icon = pinimage;       var marker = new google.maps.marker({          map: map,          position: point,          icon: pinimage,          shadow: pinshadow          });      </script>  <div id="map_canvas" style="width: 900px; height: 500px"></div>  </body>  </html> 

well, i'm sorry if guys read code. looks mess. because don't know how display code well. important thing want helped in maps. how show markers. looping. google maps doesn't show markers. display maps. masters read question. need possible. i'm sorry if english bad , mistake guys. in advance.


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