Storing files locally in Node Webkit App -


i'm creating app using node webkit. purpose of app display images , pdfs. app needs download files central repository, , cache them locally. when app runs offline, files should still available, , displayed.

on face of it, sounds appcache answer - , indeed heading when pure webapp in browser. however, i've discovered node-webkit, , here are.

node-webkit's github wiki states: "however, application cache designed browser use, apps using node-webkit, it's less useful other 2 method, read html5 application cache if want use it."

but doesn't why.

i've researched node.js filesystem - seems whole magnitude of complexity above need.

can point me in sensible direction?


it has nature of app cache itself.

you specify manifest file lists static assets required app run offline. don't have programmatic access cache add , remove files via js.

so node-webkit app, it'd make more sense fetch these files , store them in application support folder (or appdata, depending on platform). that's node.js part useful, file io stuff.


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