javascript - Howto add fade in / fade out to this thumb preview -

how can add fade-in on hovering thumbs?

the magic js needs fade:

function showt( image ){document.getelementbyid( 'ima' ).setattribute('src',image )} 

some more:

<img id="ima" src="" height="75" width="75"/>  <a href="#" onmouseover="showt( '' )">pic 1</a> <a href="#" onmouseover="showt( '' )">pic 2</a> <a href="#" onmouseover="showt( '' )">pic 3</a> 

here quick jquery example:

$('#ima').fadeout(function(){     $('#ima').attr('src', image).fadein() }); 


to make fade in/out faster:

$('#ima').fadeout('fast', function(){     $('#ima').attr('src', image).fadein('fast') }); 

you swap out 'fast' fade duration in milliseconds.



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