c# - asp:ImageButton doesn't work as expected -

i have problem asp.net imagebutton control.

what is: when click on image redirect login page of google, facebook or twitter, doesn't happen. code login page:

<section id="socialloginform">     <h2>use service log in.</h2>     <uc:openauthproviders runat="server" id="openauthlogin" />     <asp:listview runat="server" id="providerdetails" itemtype="microsoft.aspnet.membership.openauth.providerdetails"          selectmethod="getprovidernames" viewstatemode="disabled">          <itemtemplate>               <asp:imagebutton id="login"  runat="server" width="40" height="40" imageurl='<%# item.extradata["icon"] %>' alternatetext="log in using <%#: item.providerdisplayname %> account." />           </itemtemplate>          <emptydatatemplate>              <p>there no external authentication services configured. </p>          </emptydatatemplate>      </asp:listview> </section> 

this code behind:

 public partial class login : page {     protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)     {         registerhyperlink.navigateurl = "register.aspx";         openauthlogin.returnurl = request.querystring["returnurl"];          var returnurl = httputility.urlencode(request.querystring["returnurl"]);         if (!string.isnullorempty(returnurl))         {             registerhyperlink.navigateurl += "?returnurl=" + returnurl;         }     }      public string returnurl { get; set; }      public ienumerable<providerdetails> getprovidernames()     {         return openauth.authenticationclients.getall();     } 

you can add list view "onitemcommand" command aspx page

 <asp:listview runat="server" id="providerdetails" itemtype="microsoft.aspnet.membership.openauth.providerdetails"         selectmethod="getprovidernames" viewstatemode="disabled" onitemcommand="listview_onitemcommand">         <itemtemplate>             <asp:imagebutton id="login" runat="server" width="40" height="40" imageurl='<%# item.extradata["icon"] %>'                 alternatetext="log in using <%#: item.providerdisplayname %> account." commandname="login" />         </itemtemplate>         <emptydatatemplate>             <p>                 there no external authentication services configured.             </p>         </emptydatatemplate>     </asp:listview> 

code behind

protected void listview_onitemcommand(object sender, listviewcommandeventargs e)   {     if (string.equals(e.commandname, "login"))     {      // ever want     }   } 

source :http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.listview.itemcommand.aspx


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