python - Why does this give me the error string indices must be integers? -

lloyd = { "name": "lloyd", "homework": [90, 97, 75, 92], "quizzes": [88, 40, 94], "tests": [75, 90] } alice = {     "name": "alice",     "homework": [100, 92, 98, 100],     "quizzes": [82, 83, 91],     "tests": [89, 97] } tyler = {     "name": "tyler",     "homework": [0, 87, 75, 22],     "quizzes": [0, 75, 78],     "tests": [100, 100] } def average(stuff):     return sum(stuff)/len(stuff)  def getlettergrade(score):     score = round(score)     if  score >= 90: return "a"     elif  90 > score >= 80: return "b"     elif  80 > score >= 70: return "c"     elif  70 > score >= 60: return "d"     elif  60 > score: return "f"  def getaverage(kid):     bar = average     return bar(kid["homework"])*.1 + bar(kid["quizzes"])*.3 + bar(kid["tests"])*.6  students = ["lloyd","alice","tyler"]  #takes students list def getclassaverage(list, total = 0):     x in list:         total += getaverage(x)     return total / len(list)  #takes students list def classavgfull(list):     print getclassaverage(list)     print getlettergrade(getclassaverage(list))  classavgfull(students) 

i can't figure out i've gone wrong here. appreciated. i'm sure simple. very beginning of learning, using thank in advance!


students = ["lloyd", "alice", "tyler"] 


students = [lloyd, alice, tyler] 

it important know how debug kind of problem yourself.

the error message tells problem occurs on line:

return bar(kid["homework"])*.1 + bar(kid["quizzes"])*.3 + bar(kid["tests"])*.6 

and error has indexing:

string indices must integers, not str 

a natural question is, what value of kid? try putting in print statement before error occurs:

bar = average print(repr(kid)) return bar(kid["homework"])*.1 + bar(kid["quizzes"])*.3 + bar(kid["tests"])*.6 

you'll find prints


now natural question becomes, how come kid string, 'lloyd'? , what did want? (answer: dict, lloyd). if search getaverage(kid) gets called, find looking @ getclassaverage function:

def getclassaverage(list, total = 0):     x in list:         total += getaverage(x) 

and natural question becomes, how come x string 'lloyd'? , what values in list? again can use print statements find answer. , of course, where calling getclassaverage(list, ...)?

if keep tracking in way, arrive @

students = ["lloyd", "alice", "tyler"] 

and you'll realize should be

students = [lloyd, alice, tyler] 

never name variable list. shadows builtin of same name. best use descriptive name such students because variable names document meaning of code. if variable meant represent generic sequence, recommend variable name seq or iterable.


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