python - Formencode and empty values -

how can write custom validator executed, when user has submitted empty or missing value?

i've tried overriding to_python, validate_python, _to_python, _validate_python (and more) methods none of these seem run if user has submitted empty or none value

i found able prevalidator i'm not sure if it's best way. problem doing way nothing else gets validated if captcha fails. can use chained_validators instead of pre_validators has inverse effect captcha validated if other fields pass.

class loginform(formencode.schema):     ...     captcha = formencode.validators.string(if_missing=none)     pre_validators = [validators.captcha('captcha')]    class captcha(formencode.validators.formvalidator):      def __init__(self, captcha_name):         self.captcha_name = captcha_name      def validate_python(self, value_dict, state):         if not captcha.test_captcha(value_dict.get(self.captcha_name)):             raise formencode.invalid('captcha error', self.captcha_name, state, error_dict={self.captcha_name: 'captcha did not match'}) 


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