Realtime android Google analytics without EasyTracker -

i'm trying figure out how track page views in real time without using easytracker singleton.

i have following code:

/**  * how create tracker instance...  */ private void createtracker() {     if (tracker != null)         return;      tracker = googleanalytics.gettracker(googleanalyticssiteid);     tracker.setanonymizeip(trackinglevel.isanonymous());     tracker.setappinstallerid(configuration.getinstallationuuid());     tracker.setsamplerate(dispatchintervalinseconds);     trackupgradedapp(); }  ...  void someothermethod(activity activity){     tracker.sendview((string) activity.gettitle()); // easytracker.getinstance().activitystart(cyborgscreen.getactivity()); } 

while uncomment easytracker line, can track pages visited in realtime, after adding analytics.xml project (obviously).

once commenting line, not receive realtime information... if following code here, should have done trick.

am missing obvious, or there bug?

thanks, adam.

well, after tones of playing around deleting, coping, changing things, i've found this:


was missing, , why not see realtime screen event without using easytracker!

hope helps someone...


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