Changing every route from /product to /eshop in Rails Route 3 -

in routes.rb have foll entries:-

  resources :products       'get_products', :on => :collection     'show_product_details',:on=>:member     'buy_this',:on=>:collection     'search_product',:on=>:collection    end  

i want change every /products /eshop in url. not sure can use :path=>:eshop.will applicable sub routes such eshop/get_products,eshop/buy_this...etc.

you can modify routes , run rake routes in terminal check paths.

resources :products, :path => 'eshop', :as => 'eshop'     'get_products', :on => :collection   'show_product_details',:on=>:member   'buy_this',:on=>:collection   'search_product',:on=>:collection  end 

will produce these

  get_products_eshop_index        /eshop/get_products(.:format)                              products#get_products show_product_details_eshop        /eshop/:id/show_product_details(.:format)                  products#show_product_details       buy_this_eshop_index        /eshop/buy_this(.:format)                                  products#buy_this search_product_eshop_index        /eshop/search_product(.:format)                            products#search_product                eshop_index        /eshop(.:format)                                           products#index                            post       /eshop(.:format)                                           products#create                  new_eshop        /eshop/new(.:format)                                       products#new                 edit_eshop        /eshop/:id/edit(.:format)                                  products#edit                      eshop        /eshop/:id(.:format)                                       products#show                            put        /eshop/:id(.:format)                                       products#update                            delete     /eshop/:id(.:format)                                       products#destroy 


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