jquery - Bootstrap Tooltips showing like Regular HTML Tooltips -

i've tried everything, popups show great, tooltips show regular html tooltip. enter image description here

this have in code


    <th rel="tooltip" title="number of calls made our api">api call</th> 


  //tooltips       $('[rel=tooltip]').tooltip({       'selector': '[rel=tooltip]',       'placement': 'top'       }); 

and far can tell im importing bootstrap css , js since modals, , popovers work great through site.

what missing?

the double definition of selector seems throwing off bootstrap's tooltip. if remove 'selector': '[rel=tooltip]', object pass .tooltip() should fix it.

your markup like:

<th rel="tooltip" title="number of calls made our api">api call</th> 

and javascript like:

//tooltips $('[rel=tooltip]').tooltip({   'placement': 'top' }); 

since selecting elements rel attribute set "tooltip" don't need specify selector in object passing in.

for working, unstyled, demo check out fiddle

also, specify further, adding in selector had before useful when defining tooltips this:

$(document).tooltip({     'selector': '[rel=tooltip]',     'placement': 'bottom' }); 


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