SQLite Android : SQLite Delete command not working properly -

i creating android application need able delete records table consists of 2 columns name , _id both of type text _id primary key. given value of _id record deleted sqlite query not working. app runs throughout without problems doesn't delete required rows. sure records exist in database. new android applications , sqlite. read other similar posts couldn't find what's wrong code. please help.

note: tried db.execsql() in place of db.delete() didn't either.

here's contact_delete.java file.

package com.tintin.prototype_2;  import android.app.activity; import android.os.bundle; import android.view.view; import android.view.view.onclicklistener; import android.widget.button; import android.widget.edittext; import android.widget.textview; import android.widget.toast;  public class contact_delete extends activity {     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.contact_delete);      textview tv = (textview) findviewbyid(r.id.deletenumtv);     final edittext et = (edittext) findviewbyid(r.id.deletenumet);     button b = (button) findviewbyid(r.id.submitdelete);      b.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {          @override         public void onclick(view arg0) {             dbtest db = new dbtest(contact_delete.this);             string numtobedelted = et.gettext().tostring();             if(numtobedelted.compareto("")==0)toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "invalid entry", toast.length_short).show();             else{                 if(db.deletevalues(numtobedelted)>0)toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "deleted", toast.length_short).show();                 else toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "total number of contacts="+db.getnumberofcontacts(), toast.length_short).show();             }             et.settext("");             db.close();         }     }); } } 

here's dbtest.java file

package com.tintin.prototype_2;  import android.content.contentvalues; import android.content.context; import android.database.cursor; import android.database.databaseutils; import android.database.sqlite.sqliteconstraintexception; import android.database.sqlite.sqlitedatabase; import android.database.sqlite.sqliteopenhelper; import android.util.log;  public class dbtest extends sqliteopenhelper{  static final string dbname = "demodb"; static final string contacttable = "contacts"; static final string id = "index"; static final string name = "name"; static final string number = "_id"; static int idx=1;  public dbtest(context context){     super(context, dbname, null, 3); }  public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db){     db.execsql("create table contacts (name text , _id text primary key);"); }  public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db,int oldversion, int newversion){     log.v("upgrade", "upgrading database version " + oldversion              + " "             + newversion);     db.execsql("drop table if exists contacts");     oncreate(db); }  public boolean insertvalues(string x, string y){     boolean ret=true;     sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase();     contentvalues cv = new contentvalues();     log.v("value of x", x);     log.v("value of y", y);     cv.put(name, "'"+x+"'");     cv.put(number, "'"+y+"'");     try {         db.insertorthrow(contacttable, null, cv);     } catch (sqliteconstraintexception e) {         log.v("exception","number in database");         ret=false;         e.printstacktrace();     }     log.v("done", "done");     db.close();     return ret; }  public int deletevalues(string num){     sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase();     int = db.delete(contacttable, "_id = '"+num+"'", null);     db.close();     log.v("end", "delete query ran");     return i; }  public cursor getallcontacts(){     sqlitedatabase db = this.getreadabledatabase();     cursor mcursor = db.rawquery("select * contacts", null);     db.close();     return mcursor; }  public int getnumberofcontacts(){     sqlitedatabase db = this.getreadabledatabase();     int numrows = (int) databaseutils.querynumentries(db, "contacts");     cursor c = db.rawquery("select * contacts",null);     log.v("number of records"," :: "+c.getcount());     c.close();     return numrows; }  public cursor getcontact(string name){     sqlitedatabase db = this.getreadabledatabase();     cursor ret = db.query(contacttable, null, "name="+name, null, null, null, null);     if(ret!=null)ret.movetofirst();     db.close();     return ret; }  } 

in helper class mention :

       public void deletedatabase(string search, string status,string col) {        cursor c = null;        int id = 0;        boolean statu = false;        string[] columns = new string[] { "id", "name", "address", "department" };        c = db.query(student_table, columns,         "name=? or address=? or department=?", new string[] { search,        search, search }, null, null, "id desc");        if (c.movetofirst()){    {        if (c.getcolumncount() == 4) {        string[] str = new string[3];        str[0] = c.getstring(1);        str[1] = c.getstring(2);        str[2] = c.getstring(3);        id = c.getint(0);        statu = true;         }       } while (c.movetonext());    }        if (c != null && !c.isclosed()) {       c.close();     }       if (statu) {       if (status.equals("update")) {      updatedata(col, search,id);    }       if (status.equals("delete")) {       if (id != 0) {       deletedata(id);     }   }  } }  public void deletedata(int id) { db.delete(student_table, "id=?", new string[] { string.valueof(id) }); } 

then in acitivity :

     string searc=null;      if(!nameet.gettext().tostring().equals("")){      searc=nameet.gettext().tostring();      sqlhelper.deletedatabase(searc,"delete","");      data=sqlhelper.selectalldatabase();      lv.setadapter(new mycustombaseadapter(this, data));    }else if(!addresset.gettext().tostring().equals("")){     searc=addresset.gettext().tostring();     sqlhelper.deletedatabase(searc,"delete","");     data=sqlhelper.selectalldatabase();     lv.setadapter(new mycustombaseadapter(this, data));   }   else if(!deptet.gettext().tostring().equals("")){     searc=deptet.gettext().tostring();     sqlhelper.deletedatabase(searc,"delete","");     data=sqlhelper.selectalldatabase();     lv.setadapter(new mycustombaseadapter(this, data));   } else{     toast.maketext(this, "please enter search keywork of 1 field", 10).show(); } 


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