javascript - Hyphens are causing a blank result -

i'm having issues hyphens in slugs tutorial i'm trying go through... , i'm having problem when client uses hyphens in category. category blank when client puts in hyphen reason. otherwise else working perfectly!

has else ran problem? i'm thinking js problem uncertain not receiving console errors @ all. i'm not sure how debug.

why not use term_id desired prefix: $term->term_id. in case have unique identifier , less possibility breake something.

final version be:

$term_list .= '<li><a href="javascript:;" class="sort_by_term_'. $term->term_id .'">' . $term->name . '</a></li>';

will produce this:

<li><a href="javascript:;" class="sort_by_term_1234568">some long name more words</a></li>



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