php - cakephp : cookies not create after deleted -

i have question cookies in cakephp. create cookies in cakephp view successfully, , wrote javascript function delete cookies if page reloads, , function deleted.
after cookies deleted, same cookies cannot create anymore. why happen?

this code have used create cookies :

$isicookies=$awb['awb']['id'].'^'.$awb['awb']['awb_number'].'^'.$companies[$awb['contract']['company_id']].'^'.$awb['address']['address'].'^'.$types[$awb['contractdetail']['content_type_id']].'^'.$awb['awb']['colie'].'^'.$kilo.'^'.$manifestdetails[$awb['awb']['id']]; if(!isset($_cookie['manifest_courier'])) {      setcookie("manifest_courier", $isicookies, $date_of_expiry, "/"); } else {       setcookie("manifest_courier", rawurldecode($_cookie['manifest_courier']).'*'.$isicookies, $date_of_expiry, "/" );                 } 

and javascript function have used deleted cookies :

$(window).unload(function() {       cookies.erase('manifest_courier');   });  

please tell me why cookies not created if page reload. help.

you don't need in views. first off, make sure cookie component included in controller.

var $components = array('cookie'); 

then, in function,

$isicookies = $awb['awb']['id'].'^'.$awb['awb']['awb_number'].'^'.$companies[$awb['contract']['company_id']].'^'.$awb['address']['address'].'^'.$types[$awb['contractdetail']['content_type_id']].'^'.$awb['awb']['colie'].'^'.$kilo.'^'.$manifestdetails[$awb['awb']['id']];   if($this->session->check('manifest_courier'))  {   $this->cookie->write('manifest_courier',$isicookies,false,$date_of_expiry); }else{   $this->cookie->write('manifest_courier',rawurldecode($_cookie['manifest_courier']).'*'.$isicookies,false,$date_of_expiry); }    

in view, use js delete cookie if still exists after refresh.


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