- 2 culture settings for same web application? -

is possible use fr-ca culture setting dates (franch dates) , en-ca numbers (period decimal separator) in web.config?

thank you

you cannot mix cultures, can create own culture, see here:

to define , create custom culture

  1. use cultureandregioninfobuilder object define , name custom culture. custom culture can entirely new culture, or can culture replaces existing .net framework culture or windows locale. new cultures, can populate cultureandregioninfobuilder object properties existing cultureinfo object , loaddatafromcultureinfo method, , existing regioninfo object , loaddatafromregioninfo method. replacement cultures, cultureandregioninfobuilder object properties automatically populated properties of culture being replaced.
  2. modify properties of cultureandregioninfobuilder object satisfy requirements of application.
  3. call register method register custom culture. registration process performs these tasks:


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