c# - Component TypeConverter trouble -

i have calss 2 properties. 1 property must seen (depended) in propertygrid when other property contains appropriate value. have created own custompropertiestypeconverter:

public abstract class custompropertiestypeconverter<tcomponent> : typeconverter { ...         public override propertydescriptorcollection getproperties(itypedescriptorcontext context, object value, attribute[] attributes)         {             var component = (tcomponent)value; //error line ... 

everything works fine, once. properties dissapear propertygrid after project rebuilding. when run project vs have got following error:

[a]mycomponent cannot cast [b]mycomponent. type originates 'test, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null' in context 'loadneither' @ location 'c:\users\g_o\appdata\local\microsoft\visualstudio\11.0\projectassemblies\hszseh7801\test.exe'. type b originates 'test, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null' in context 'loadneither' @ location 'c:\users\g_o\appdata\local\microsoft\visualstudio\11.0\projectassemblies\ug5nbdgn01\test.exe'.

how can solve this?


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