android - Unable to dismiss intent activity in libgdx -

i have developed game on libgdx in trying share text content using intent. intent activity shown when click on share button in game. problem activity keeps popping when click button. unable dismiss activity , go game screen.the android code below,

public class mainactivity extends androidapplication implements androidintent{     @override     public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);          androidapplicationconfiguration cfg = new androidapplicationconfiguration();         cfg.usegl20 = true;         cfg.useaccelerometer = true;         cfg.usecompass = false;          initialize(new mygame(this), cfg);     }      @override     public void share() {         log.d("magicwords", "sharing game");         intent intent = new intent(intent.action_send);          intent.settype("text/plain");         intent.putextra(intent.extra_text, "this status line");         startactivity(intent.createchooser(intent, "share using"));      } } 

androidintent interface has share().

i have found due touchlistener. single touch interfaces such options , menus, 1 should use gdx.input.justtouched(). if need touch , drag feauture, use gdx.input.istouched(). since used istouched(), multiple calls intent activity sent. posted code here others lookup.

    @override     public void render(float delta) {, 0, 0.0f, 1);;      camera.update();      // coordinate system specified camera.     batch.setprojectionmatrix(camera.combined);     batch.begin();     batch.draw(...);     batch.end();              //for single touch down     if(gdx.input.justtouched())     {         processtouch((int)touchpos.x, (int)touchpos.y);     }              //for continuous touch(drag)     if(gdx.input.istouched())     {         processtouch((int)touchpos.x, (int)touchpos.y);     } } 


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