android - Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library -

i writing game, , have huge native library, trying load native library in main activity like

 static {         try {             system.loadlibrary("mylib");         } catch (unsatisfiedlinkerror e) {             log.d(tag, "unsatisfied link error: " + e.tostring());         }     } 

i have tested code on many devices in house, don't error. published logs "caused by: java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror: cannot load library". note: crash not universal, few people getting crash

  • is problem library put in exported apk ? have library put /libs/armabi/ automatically eclipse?
  • is thing version of android ? supporting android versions since 2.3 (api level 9)
  • or need load library different place?
  • or missing important
  • is problem whole app being installed on sdcard ?

more info on crash : load_segments: 68 failed map segment

considering app works correctly on of devices , gives error, it's safe assume library packaged correctly in apk , size/memory footprint acceptable.

as such, i'll go on whim , suggest problem build/compile architecture of library. newer android devices use arm7 processor. it's quite library compiled against arm7 architecture well. older devices, running android 2.3, use arm6 processor (i have 1 such device use testing - lg gt540 running android 2.3.3), not forward-compatible arm7 architecture. have seen crash error similar 1 indicated (load_segments: 68 failed map segment when attempted run app designed arm7 on old arm6 phone.

there 3 ways of going around issue:

  1. compile library against both architectures , include 2 separate .so files apk. @ runtime determine type of processor , load correct one. frankly, don't know if possible.

  2. create 2 separate apk files - 1 arm6 , 1 arm7 - use filters in manifest specify corresponding architecture. can upload both of them google play same app - , filters in manifest control 1 downloaded device.

  3. only support arm7 architecture specifying device requirements in manifest. loose customer audience, have less work maintaining 2 versions of app.

edit: according ndk documentation, can produce multiple libraries different architectures in 1 go. can control cpus want target adding following line file:

app_abi := arch1 arch2 arch3 ... 

for example,

app_abi := armeabi armeabi-v7a mips 

then build process create different versions of native library. these versions need placed in final apk in directory


where name of architecture. load library with


alternatively can build separate apk files each architecture use multi-apk functionality on google play.

you can find information on architecture targeting in file cpu-arch-abis.html file in docs subdirectory of ndk.


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