actionscript 3 - how to read a CSV file in flex? -

i want read csv file in flex , display content of file on datagrid. plzz provide solution...

my datagrid , columns on want ot display file file content::

   <mx:advanceddatagrid id="dg" x="0" y="{btnbar.height}" width="100%" height="532"                                  defaultleaficon="{null}" draggablecolumns="false" editable="true"                                  folderclosedicon="{null}" folderopenicon="{null}"                                  horizontalscrollpolicy="auto" itemeditbegin="onitemeditbegin(event)"                                  itemeditend="processdata(event)" itemopen="onitemopen(event.item)"                                  resizablecolumns="false" sortablecolumns="false" sortexpertmode="true"                                  verticalscrollpolicy="on">        <mx:advanceddatagridcolumn id="value" width="250" datafield="value"                                            editordatafield="classvalue" headertext="values"                                            itemeditor="comboboxrenderer"/>                 <mx:advanceddatagridcolumn id="property" datafield="property" editable="true"                                            editordatafield="selecteditem" headertext="property"                                            itemeditor="propertycomboboxrenderer"/> 

1.create bean , parse csv , add bean(properties same no of coulmns).
2.add bean list iteratively.
3.pass list dataprovider datagrid


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