Seek-for-android. Connection refused ! Android -

i'm using library seek-for-android develop same application.

when try run test app hellosmartcard take error: "connection refused !!!"

i'm using samsung s iii , following code:

public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);      linearlayout layout = new linearlayout(this);     layout.setlayoutparams(new layoutparams(         layoutparams.wrap_content,          layoutparams.wrap_content));      button = new button(this);     button.setlayoutparams(new layoutparams(         layoutparams.wrap_content,          layoutparams.wrap_content));      button.settext("click me");     button.setenabled(false);     button.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {         public void onclick(view v) {             try {                 log.i(log_tag, "retrieve available readers...");                 reader[] readers = seservice.getreaders();                 if (readers.length < 1)                     return;                  byte aid[] = new byte[] {(byte)0xa0, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x03,0x20,0x10};                 secardidentifier id = new secardidentifier(aid);                 log.i(log_tag, "create session first reader...");                 session session = readers[0].opensession();                 log.i(log_tag, string.valueof(session.getreader().getname())+"   "+id.getaid().tostring());                 log.i(log_tag, "create logical channel within session...");                 channel channel = session.openlogicalchannel(aid);                  log.i(log_tag, "send helloworld apdu command");                 byte[] respapdu = channel.transmit(new byte[] {                     (byte) 0x90, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 });                  channel.close();                  // parse response apdu , show text remove sw1 sw2 first                 byte[] hellostr = new byte[respapdu.length - 2];                 system.arraycopy(respapdu, 0, hellostr, 0, respapdu.length - 2);                 toast.maketext(mainactivity.this, new string(hellostr), toast.length_long).show();             } catch (exception e) {                 log.e(log_tag, "error occured:", e);                     return;             }         }     });      layout.addview(button);     setcontentview(layout);      try {         log.i(log_tag, "creating seservice object");         seservice = new seservice(this, this);     } catch (securityexception e) {         log.e(log_tag, "binding not allowed, uses-permission org.simalliance.openmobileapi.smartcard?");     } catch (exception e) {         log.e(log_tag, "exception: " + e.getmessage());     } }  @override protected void ondestroy() {     if (seservice != null && seservice.isconnected()) {         seservice.shutdown();     }     super.ondestroy(); }  public void serviceconnected(seservice service) {     log.i(log_tag, "seviceconnected()");     button.setenabled(true); } 

and return next exception :

05-13 11:23:09.979: i/hellosmartcard(17588): creating seservice object 05-13 11:23:09.984: v/seservice(17588): bindservice successful 05-13 11:23:10.054: i/hellosmartcard(17588): seviceconnected() 05-13 11:23:10.054: v/seservice(17588): service onserviceconnected 05-13 11:23:11.444: i/hellosmartcard(17588): retrieve available readers... 05-13 11:23:11.444: i/hellosmartcard(17588): create session first reader... 05-13 11:23:11.444: i/hellosmartcard(17588): sim: uicc   a0000000032010 05-13 11:23:11.444: i/hellosmartcard(17588): create logical channel within session... 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588): error occured: 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588): java.lang.securityexception: connection refused !!! 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @ org.simalliance.openmobileapi.seservice.checkforexception( 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @ org.simalliance.openmobileapi.seservice.openlogicalchannel( 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @ org.simalliance.openmobileapi.session.openlogicalchannel( 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @$1.onclick( 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @ android.view.view.performclick( 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @ android.view.view$ 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @ android.os.handler.handlecallback( 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage( 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @ android.os.looper.loop( 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @ 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method) 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @$ 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @ 05-13 11:23:11.634: e/hellosmartcard(17588):    @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method) 

please me solve problem.

i came across same situation, while in situation sesevice.getreader() throws exception "connection refused". that's say, can't 1 reader.

i read the following info google, hope explain situation.

samsung did include sim access , removed result valid , recommended way integrate scapi products.

could please tell rom test running on, can switch same rom , sim card reader?


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