How can I prevent an iframe from trying to use the javascript of the parent page? -

i'm trying embed this gallery (warning, nude art content) in webpage using frames.

the problem have have dropdown menu uses javascript fade pages in , out.this conflicting javascript in gallery. see gallery functioning in site, can click here , scroll on gallery , click "for sale." works in chrome , safari. in firefox, won't let images scroll @ bottom, stack. know has line 15 of gallery below code, can't figure out how fix it.

code gallery:

<!doctype html> <html><head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css.css"> <link href=',400italic,700italic,400,300,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>         <script type="text/javascript">                 jquery.noconflict();                 (function($) {         $(window).load(function() {             sliderleft=$('#thumbscroller .container').position().left;             padding=$('#outer_container').css('paddingright').replace('px', '');             sliderwidth=$(window).width()-padding;             $('#thumbscroller').css('width',sliderwidth);             var totalcontent=0;             $('#thumbscroller .content').each(function () {                 totalcontent+=$(this).innerwidth();                 $('#thumbscroller .container').css('width',totalcontent);             });             $('#thumbscroller').mousemove(function(e){                 if($('#thumbscroller  .container').width()>sliderwidth){                     var mousecoords=(e.pagex - this.offsetleft);                     var mousepercentx=mousecoords/sliderwidth;                     var destx=-(((totalcontent-(sliderwidth))-sliderwidth)*(mousepercentx));                     var theposa=mousecoords-destx;                     var theposb=destx-mousecoords;                     var animspeed=600; //ease amount                     var easetype='easeoutcirc';                     if(mousecoords==destx){                         $('#thumbscroller .container').stop();                     }                     else if(mousecoords>destx){                         //$('#thumbscroller .container').css('left',-theposa); //without easing                         $('#thumbscroller .container').stop().animate({left: -theposa}, animspeed,easetype); //with easing                     }                     else if(mousecoords<destx){                         //$('#thumbscroller .container').css('left',theposb); //without easing                         $('#thumbscroller .container').stop().animate({left: theposb}, animspeed,easetype); //with easing                     }                 }             });             var fadespeed=200;                             $('#thumbscroller  .thumb').each(function () {                 $(this).fadeto(fadespeed, 0.6);             });              $('#thumbscroller .thumb').hover(             function(){ //mouse on                 $(this).fadeto(fadespeed, 1);             },             function(){ //mouse out                 $(this).fadeto(fadespeed, 0.6);             }         );         });         $(window).resize(function() {             //$('#thumbscroller .container').css('left',sliderleft); //without easing             $('#thumbscroller .container').stop().animate({left: sliderleft}, 400,'easeoutcirc'); //with easing             $('#thumbscroller').css('width',$(window).width());             sliderwidth=$(window).width();         });                     })(jquery);     </script></head> <body> <h1 style="font: open sans">for sale pieces</h1>     <div id="fp_gallery" class="fp_gallery">         <img src="full_images/torso1.png" alt="" class="fp_preview" style="display:none;"/>         <div id="fp_loading" class="fp_loading"></div>         <div id="fp_next" class="fp_next"></div>         <div id="fp_prev" class="fp_prev"></div>         <div id="outer_container">             <div id="thumbscroller">                 <div class="container">                     <div class="content">                         <div><a href="#"><img src="thumbs/tthumb1.jpg" alt="full_images/torso1.png" class="thumb" /></a></div>                     </div>                 </div>             </div>         </div>         <div id="fp_thumbtoggle" class="fp_thumbtoggle">view thumbs</div>     </div>     <div>     </div>      <!-- javascript --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>     <script type="text/javascript">         jquery.noconflict();          (function($) {         $(function() {             //current thumb's index being viewed             var current         = -1;             //cache elements             var $btn_thumbs = $('#fp_thumbtoggle');             var $loader     = $('#fp_loading');             var $btn_next       =$('#fp_next');             var $btn_prev       = $('#fp_prev');             var $thumbscroller  = $('#thumbscroller');              //total number of thumbs             var nmb_thumbs      = $thumbscroller.find('.content').length;              //preload thumbs             var cnt_thumbs      = 0;             for(var i=0;i<nmb_thumbs;++i){                 var $thumb = $thumbscroller.find('.content:nth-child('+parseint(i+1)+')');                 $('<img/>').load(function(){                     ++cnt_thumbs;                     if(cnt_thumbs == nmb_thumbs)             //display thumbs on bottom of page             showthumbs(2000);                 }).attr('src',$thumb.find('img').attr('src'));             }               //make document scrollable             //when the mouse moved up/down             //the user able see full image             makescrollable();              //clicking on thumb...             $thumbscroller.find('.content').bind('click',function(e){                 var $content= $(this);                 var $elem   = $content.find('img');                 //keep track of current clicked thumb                 //it used navigation arrows                 current     = $content.index()+1;                 //get positions of clicked thumb                 var pos_left    = $elem.offset().left;                 var pos_top     = $elem.offset().top;                 //clone thumb , place                 //the clone on top of                 var $clone  = $elem.clone()                 .addclass('clone')                 .css({                     'position':'fixed',                     'left': pos_left + 'px',                     'top': pos_top + 'px'                 }).insertafter($('body'));                  var windoww = $(window).width();                 var windowh = $(window).height();                  //animate clone center of page                 $clone.stop()                 .animate({                     'left': 410 + 'px',                     'top': windowh/2 + 'px',                     'margin-left' :-$clone.width()/2 -5 + 'px',                     'margin-top': -$clone.height()/2 -5 + 'px'                 },500,                 function(){                     var $theclone   = $(this);                     var ratio       = $clone.width()/120;                     var final_w     = 400*ratio;                      $;                      //expand clone when large image loaded                     $('<img class="fp_preview"/>').load(function(){                         var $newimg         = $(this);                         var $currimage  = $('#fp_gallery').children('img:first');                         $newimg.insertbefore($currimage);                         $loader.hide();                         //expand clone                         $theclone.animate({                             'opacity'       : 0,                             'top'           : windowh/2 + 'px',                             'left'          : windoww/2 + 'px',                             'margin-top'    : '-200px',                             'margin-left'   : -final_w/2 + 'px',                             'width'         : final_w + 'px',                             'height'        : '400px'                         },1000,function(){$(this).remove();});                         //now have 2 large images on page                         //fadeout old 1 new 1 gets shown                         $currimage.fadeout(2000,function(){                             $(this).remove();                         });                         //show navigation arrows                         shownav();                     }).attr('src',$elem.attr('alt'));                 });                 //hide thumbs container                 hidethumbs();                 e.preventdefault();             });              //clicking on "show thumbs"             //displays thumbs container , hides             //the navigation arrows             $btn_thumbs.bind('click',function(){                 showthumbs(500);                 hidenav();             });              function hidethumbs(){                 $('#outer_container').stop().animate({'bottom':'-200px'},500);                 showthumbsbtn();             }              function showthumbs(speed){                 $('#outer_container').stop().animate({'bottom':'-20px'},speed);                 hidethumbsbtn();             }              function hidethumbsbtn(){                 $btn_thumbs.stop().animate({'bottom':'-120px'},500);             }              function showthumbsbtn(){                 $btn_thumbs.stop().animate({'bottom':'-20px'},500);             }              function hidenav(){                 $btn_next.stop().animate({'left':'-50px'},500);                 $btn_prev.stop().animate({'left':'-50px'},500);             }              function shownav(){                 $btn_next.stop().animate({'left':'772px'},500);                 $btn_prev.stop().animate({'left':'0px'},500);             }              //events navigating through set of images             $btn_next.bind('click',shownext);             $btn_prev.bind('click',showprev);              //the aim load new image,             //place before old 1 , fadeout old 1             //we use current variable keep track             //image comes next / before             function shownext(){                 ++current;                 var $e_next = $thumbscroller.find('.content:nth-child('+current+')');                 if($e_next.length == 0){                     current = 1;                     $e_next = $thumbscroller.find('.content:nth-child('+current+')');                 }                 $;                 $('<img class="fp_preview"/>').load(function(){                     var $newimg         = $(this);                     var $currimage      = $('#fp_gallery').children('img:first');                     $newimg.insertbefore($currimage);                     $loader.hide();                     $currimage.fadeout(2000,function(){$(this).remove();});                 }).attr('src',$e_next.find('img').attr('alt'));             }              function showprev(){                 --current;                 var $e_next = $thumbscroller.find('.content:nth-child('+current+')');                 if($e_next.length == 0){                     current = nmb_thumbs;                     $e_next = $thumbscroller.find('.content:nth-child('+current+')');                 }                 $;                 $('<img class="fp_preview"/>').load(function(){                     var $newimg         = $(this);                     var $currimage      = $('#fp_gallery').children('img:first');                     $newimg.insertbefore($currimage);                     $loader.hide();                     $currimage.fadeout(2000,function(){$(this).remove();});                 }).attr('src',$e_next.find('img').attr('alt'));             }              function makescrollable(){                 $(document).bind('mousemove',function(e){                     var top = (e.pagey - $(document).scrolltop()/2) ;                     $(document).scrolltop(top);                 });             }         });          })(jquery);     </script>      </body> </html> 

below code javascript tags , sample of how they're being used:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>  <script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){ // hide div 2 default $('#wrapper2').show();  $('#faces').hide(); $('#hands').hide(); $('#torso').hide(); $('#about').hide(); $('#contact').hide(); $('#collab').hide(); $('#newgallery').hide(); $('.forsale').hide(); $('#calendar').hide(); });    });    </script> 

i'm sorry if repeat of question. tried looking on , on again , couldn't find make work perfectly. appreciated. if have remove javascript fading on main page, will, hoping workaround works without removing this.

thanks help!


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