cakephp - Find within date range -

i'm trying find services each customer in monthly date range. following answered question cakephp: date range created code in summaries controller:

      public function view($id=null) {             //other code             $this->loadmodel('event');             $summary = $this->summary->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => $id)));             $first = date('m-01-y', strtotime($summary['summary']['date']));              //added debugging , value date want             $this->set('first', $first);              $last = date('m-t-y', strtotime($summary['summary']['date']));              //debugging, works             $this->set('last', $last);              $conditions = array("'event.start' >=" => $first, "'event.start' <=" => $last,                                 'event.customer_id' => 'summary.customer_id'                                );             $this->set('events', $this->event->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions))); 

but $events variable in view empty. tried eliminate customer_id condition test date ranges, , problem seems 'event.start' not compared properly. , date() function can't used inside quotes. hints?

you adding more single quote query not work

please change below $conditions

 $conditions = array("event.start >=" => "'".$first."'", "event.start <=" => "'".$last."'",                                 'event.customer_id' => 'summary.customer_id'                                ); 

please let me know if can more

$summary['summary']['date'] = '4-5-2013'; // format 'd-m-y';  $first = date('m-01-y h:i:s', strtotime($summary['summary']['date']));  echo "first".$first; echo "<br>date -> ". date('m-t-y'); 

output like

first05-01-2013 00:00:00 date -> 05-31-2013 

so can compare date


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