excel vba - The following VBA code breaks. How may I keep it running? -

option base 1  sub prepareiofile()  'step 1: open final spq edpss , find earliest start date dim rowcount integer dim lastrow integer  = 2 until isempty(cells(i, 1).value) = + 1 loop lastrow = - 1 rowcount = - 2  'step 2: find earliest start date in records dim earliestdate date dim firstdate date  earliestdate = cdate(application.min(range("k2:k" & lastrow))) firstdate = earliestdate  'step 3: find number of months between earliest start date , specified month dim nowmonth integer dim nowyear integer  nowmonth = inputbox("please specify recent month compute." & vbnewline & "note: month should between 1 , 12 only.")  if nowmonth < 1 or nowmonth > 12      msgbox "you have entered invalid month."     exit sub  else      nowmonth = nowmonth     nowyear = inputbox("please specify current year compute." & vbnewline & "note: year should entered in yyyy format.")      if nowyear < 2008 or nowyear > year(date)          msgbox "the valid year should between year 2008 , year " & year(date) & "."         exit sub      else          nowmonth = nowmonth         nowyear = nowyear      end if  end if  dim nowdate date dim monthrange integer  nowdate = cdate("1/" & nowmonth & "/" & nowyear) earliestdate = cdate("1/" & month(firstdate) & "/" & year(firstdate)) monthrange = round((nowdate - earliestdate) / 30.4)  'step 4: prepare output file dim mypath string mypath = activeworkbook.path & "\output.xls"  set newbook = workbooks.add     activeworkbook.saveas mypath  worksheets("sheet1").select  range("a1").select activecell.formular1c1 = "basic price" range("b1").select activecell.formular1c1 = "contract no" range("c1").select activecell.formular1c1 = "project title" range("d1").select activecell.formular1c1 = "contract start" range("e1").select activecell.formular1c1 = "contract end" range("f1").select activecell.formular1c1 = "aspq" range("g1").select activecell.formular1c1 = "qty delivered" range("g2").select activecell.formular1c1 = "cumulative td" range("h2").select  dim startmonth string startmonth = month(earliestdate) & "/1/" & year(earliestdate) activecell.formular1c1 = startmonth selection.numberformat = "mmmyy"  dim currentmonth string = 1 monthrange     currentmonth = month(cdate(dateadd("m", 1, earliestdate))) & "/1/" & year(cdate(dateadd("m", 1, earliestdate)))     cells(2, 8 + i).value = currentmonth     cells(2, 8 + i).numberformat = "mmmyy"     earliestdate = dateadd("m", 1, earliestdate) next  activeworkbook.close  'capture contract no. , accompanying information dim outputpath string outputpath = activeworkbook.path & "\output.xls"  dim contractno string dim projecttitle string dim contractstart string dim contractend string dim aspq double  j = 1 j = 1 lastrow     contractno = cells(j + 1, 1).value     projecttitle = cells(j + 1, 2).value     contractstart = cells(j + 1, 11).value     contractend = cells(j + 1, 12).value     aspq = cells(j + 1, 14).value  'paste these information output file application.workbooks.open (outputpath)  cells(j + 2, 2).value = contractno cells(j + 2, 3).value = projecttitle cells(j + 2, 4).value = contractstart cells(j + 2, 5).value = contractend cells(j + 2, 6).value = aspq  activeworkbook.close savechanges:=true  'loop through bill summaries month month 'if can find, put quantity delivered month 'if cannot find, set quantity 0 dim monthtag integer dim yeartag integer dim activemonth string  m = 1 monthrange     application.workbooks.open (outputpath)     monthtag = month(cells(2, 7 + m).value)     yeartag = year(cells(2, 7 + m).value)      select case monthtag         case "1"             activemonth = "jan" & right(yeartag, 2)         case "2"             activemonth = "feb" & right(yeartag, 2)         case "3"             activemonth = "mar" & right(yeartag, 2)         case "4"             activemonth = "apr" & right(yeartag, 2)         case "5"             activemonth = "may" & right(yeartag, 2)         case "6"             activemonth = "jun" & right(yeartag, 2)         case "7"             activemonth = "jul" & right(yeartag, 2)         case "8"             activemonth = "aug" & right(yeartag, 2)         case "9"             activemonth = "sep" & right(yeartag, 2)         case "10"             activemonth = "oct" & right(yeartag, 2)         case "11"             activemonth = "nov" & right(yeartag, 2)         case "12"             activemonth = "dec" & right(yeartag, 2)     end select     activeworkbook.close savechanges:=true      dim myfolder string     dim qty double     dim sumqty double     dim found integer     dim sumfound integer      myfolder = activeworkbook.path & "\bill\"      if dir((myfolder & "\" & yeartag & "\bill_summary_report_" & activemonth & ".xls")) <> ""          application.workbooks.open (myfolder & "\" & yeartag & "\bill_summary_report_" & activemonth & ".xls")         worksheets("cement").select          'find contract coordinates         x = 1         until cells(x, 1).value = "sno"             x = x + 1         loop          y = 1         until cells(x, y).value = "contract"             y = y + 1         loop          'find qty coordinates         p = 1         until cells(p, 1).value = "product"             p = p + 1         loop          q = 1         until cells(p, q).value = "c qty"             q = q + 1         loop          'determine quantity delivered month         'this area proned problems since 1 spacing distort data         'may want manual check multiple occurences of contract no!         n = 1         sumfound = 0         sumqty = 0         until isempty(cells(17 + n, y).value)             if contractno = cells(17 + n, y).value                 found = 1                 qty = cells(19 + n, q).value             else                 found = 0                 qty = 0              end if          sumfound = sumfound + found         sumqty = sumqty + qty         n = n + 10         loop          activeworkbook.close      else          sumqty = 0      end if      application.workbooks.open (outputpath)     cells(j + 2, 7 + m).value = sumqty     activeworkbook.close savechanges:=true     'msgbox "m: " & m & vbnewline & "yr: " & yeartag & vbnewline & "j: " & j      next m  next j  end sub 

i think problem somewhere in data.

you have many datetime conversions, maybe 1 file contains data wrong format, string instead of date.

maybe there problem file names (01 instead of 1 or 1 instead of 01).

i suggest temporarily remove file caused break , see happen.

if work - try find problem in problematic file.

when find - try handle kind of problem in code.


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