c# - How do I retrieve data from a list<> containing class objects -

i want retrieve data list created contains class objects via foreach i'm not able to. can please tell me what's missing in code?

i have class recipes.cs contains following code: public class recipe {

    string _oveskrift;     int _recipe_id;     string _opskrift;     int _kcal;      public recipe(string overskrift, int recipe_id, string opskrift,int kcal)     {         _oveskrift = overskrift;         _recipe_id = recipe_id;         _opskrift = opskrift;         _kcal = kcal;     }  }  public class recipes {     public list<recipe> createrecipelist()     {         recipe opskrift1 = new recipe("cornflakes med chili",1,"4 kg cornflakes bages", 420);         recipe opskrift2 = new recipe("oksemørbrad",2,"oksemørbrad steges baconfedt", 680);         recipe opskrift3 = new recipe("tun vand",3,"dåsen åbnes og tunen spises", 120);          list<recipe> recipelist = new list<recipe>();           recipelist.add(opskrift1);         recipelist.add(opskrift2);         recipelist.add(opskrift3);          return recipelist;     } } 

i call createrecipelist() class calculator.cs , code looks this:

private int findrecipes() {     list<recipe> rlist = new list<recipe>();      // create class , add data list      recipes r = new recipes();     rlist = r.createrecipelist();      int test = 0; // used test purposes                foreach(var rec in rlist)     {         rec.????         test++;     }      return test; } 

i presume should able dot way rec."the class object name"."the value"
nothing happens!. option rec.equals, rec.gethashcod ect. wrong.

for record have tried:

foreach(recipe rec in rlist) {     rec.????     test++; } 

but doesn't work either. int test there test purposes.. , return 3.. list contain correct information.

please show code recipe class. besides that, you're of way there...

    foreach(recipe rec in rlist)     {          string str = rec.<propertyname>;     } 


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