python 2.7 - In a While loop using random.choice, how to always pick a random letter? -

here's code:

# guess word program # roxmate # 12/04/2013  import random  print \     """\t\t\t ***welcome guess word program***          goal guess word computer has chosen ,         have 5 hints per guess, type first one.         if wish exit program, type in exit.          \t\t\tgood luck!     """  words = ("book","house","universe")  gen_word = random.choice(words) gen_word_1 = len(gen_word) hint_letter = random.choice(gen_word) hint = "help" quit_game = "exit"  print "the word computer choosed has", gen_word_1, "letters\n"  guess = raw_input("your guess:") while guess != quit_game:     if guess == gen_word:         print "congrats, have guessed word!"         break     elif guess == hint:         print "hint:: there a(n)", hint_letter, "in word\n"      else:         if guess != gen_word:             print "i sorry that's not word, try again.\n"        guess = raw_input("your guess:")   raw_input()  

the problem @

  elif guess == hint:         print "hint:: there a(n)", hint_letter, "in word\n" 

i don't understand why gives same letter hint, shouldn't pick random letter word, each time loop runs? example type in , gives me a, next time typed in give me b.

by doing

hint_letter = random.choice(gen_word) 

you call function once , store return value. you're printig value on , on again. should do:

print "hint:: there a(n)", random.choice(gen_word), "in word\n" 



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