datagrid - Dynamic Loading Grids; Javascript or Tag library -

i looking grid implementation on dashboard. requirement here if data grid might fetching changes while user looking through grid, changes should reflected. row present in page 1 may present in page 2 after sometime. if user clicks on page 2, should shown fresh page fetched database , item should in page 2. so, need use pagedobjectlist data , show data when user looks next page. same requirement sorting too.

so looking javascript grid jqgrid or dhtmlx grid or tag library has sort of ajax calling mechanism sorting , paging instead of showing old data fetched first.

please suggest grid/ tag library implementation can fulfill above mentioned requirement. in advance

i went dhtmlxgrid, has configurable actions needed, onpageaction, onsort etc. simple write custom code trigger events. recommend others, pretty handy , solid.


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