WebRTC on a standalone mobile app -

i know webrtc designed browsers, possible use webrtc libraries on mobile applications directly?


as of may 14 here android project using webrtc works nicely.

i translated entire android project objective-c ios , got webrtc working in ios i'm having trouble on iphone 4 , 4s. works in iphone 5 , 5s.

i think problem performance. when make videocall webrtc libraries takes 140% of cpu on iphone 5, guess that's lot of resources , iphone 4s can't handle it.


after struggling video connection (always disconnected after 10 seconds) got webrtc working on iphone 4s, have set right constraints when creating local videosource capturing object:

nsstring *_width = @"320"; nsstring *_height = @"180"; nsstring *_maxframerate = @"10";  rtcmediaconstraints *videoconstraints = [[rtcmediaconstraints alloc]    initwithmandatoryconstraints:@[[[rtcpair alloc] initwithkey:@"maxheight" value:_height], [[rtcpair alloc] initwithkey:@"maxwidth" value:_width], [[rtcpair alloc] initwithkey:@"maxframerate" value:_maxframerate]] optionalconstraints:@[[[rtcpair alloc]  initwithkey:@"googcpuoverusedetection" value:@"true"], [[rtcpair alloc] initwithkey:@"googcpulimitedresolution" value:@"true"]]];   rtcvideosource *videosource = [factory videosourcewithcapturer:capturer constraints:videoconstraints]; rtcmediastream *lms = [factory mediastreamwithlabel:@"ardams"]; [lms addvideotrack:[factory videotrackwithid:@"ardamsv0" source:videosource]]; 

note sends small video, works!


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