php - URL Rewriting not working on Zend Server Community Edition 5.3.9 -

to @all, nobody here answer question?

i have tried below problem following question zend server community edition .htaccess issue not success. that's why posting details question here follows:

i having serious issue zend community server edition (zendserver-ce-php-5.3.9-5.6.0-sp1-windows_x86).

everything working fine not url rewrtiting.

i have following things set in httpd.conf file of apache folder on windows 7

i have enabled mod_rewrite module in httpd.conf file like

loadmodule rewrite_module modules/

below document root projects

documentroot "d:/projects/"

and related <directory> settings like

<directory />     options followsymlinks     allowoverride     order allow,deny     allow     #order deny,allow     #deny </directory>  <directory d:/projects>     options indexes +followsymlinks     allowoverride     #order deny,allow     #deny     order allow,deny     allow </directory> 

i have .htaccess setup in httpd.conf below

<filesmatch "^\.ht">     order allow,deny     deny     satisfy </filesmatch> 

now, have following path of test folder url rewriting.

d:/projects/url   d:/projects/url/.htaccess 

and content of .htaccess file below

rewriteengine on rewriterule ^news news.php rewriterule ^news/id/(.*)/article/(.*) news.php?id=$1&article=$2  d:/projects/url/news.php 

in news.php file (when specify on addressbar localhost:/url/news.php not works , giving below error message


you don't have permission access /url/news on server.

code in news.php file below

$path = $_server['request_uri']; echo $path."<br/>";  //below http://localhost:<port>/url/news/id/62/article/abc if(isset($_get['id']) && isset($_get['article'])) {     echo $_get['id']."<br/>";     echo $_get['article']; } 

any guidance appreciated.

to @all, nobody here answer question?


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