vb.net - How to send Image as email attachment using Restful service -

below vb.net code i'm using receive image jquery ajax call..

public function mailkpichart(byval img string) genericresponse(of boolean) implements ikpi.mailkpichart          dim smtpserver new net.mail.smtpclient()         smtpserver.credentials = new net.networkcredential("xyz@gmail.com", "password")         smtpserver.port = 587         smtpserver.host = "smtp.gmail.com"         smtpserver.enablessl = true         dim blstatus boolean         try             dim mailmessage new mailmessage()             mailmessage.from = new mailaddress("from@gmail.com", ".net devoloper")             mailmessage.to.add(new mailaddress("to@gmail.com"))             mailmessage.subject = "test mail"             mailmessage.body = "hello world"             dim imgstream new memorystream()             dim image system.drawing.bitmap = getimagefrombase64(img)             dim filename string = "sample image"              image.save(imgstream, system.drawing.imaging.imageformat.png)             mailmessage.attachments.add(new attachment(imgstream, filename, system.net.mime.mediatypenames.image.jpeg))             smtpserver.deliverymethod = smtpdeliverymethod.network             smtpserver.send(mailmessage)             blstatus = true             return serviceutility.buildresponse(of boolean)(blstatus, string.empty, string.empty, 0)         catch ex exception             return serviceutility.buildresponse(of boolean)(false, "",         ex.message, appconstants.errorseveritycodes.high)         end try      end function 

and function i'm converting base64 string image

 public function getimagefrombase64(byval uploadedimage string) image         'get temp image bytes, instead of loading disk         'data:image/gif;base64,         'this image single pixel (black)         dim bytes byte() = convert.frombase64string(uploadedimage)          dim image__1 image         using ms new memorystream(bytes)             ms.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length)             image__1 = image.fromstream(ms)         end using          return image__1     end function 

and when see gmail inbox c mail attachment dont see actual image i've sent..i c blank image

help needed


i had same issue , solved adding following line before attaching stream message.

imgstream.position = 0

regards, jonathan.


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