playframework - Query string lost from a submit button -

i new both web application , play framework, , problem asking might naive. however, googled around little while , couldn't find answer it, please bear me.

first, platform play-2.1.1 + java 1.6 + os x 10.8.3.

a short version of problem: have form of submit button action="hello?id=100". however, when click button, request being sent seems hello? rather hello?id=100. action request expects parameter id, error hello?.

here full setup.


get     /                           controllers.application.index()     /hello                      controllers.application.hello(id: long) 


package controllers;  import play.*; import play.mvc.*;  import views.html.*;  public class application extends controller {      public static result index() {         return ok(index.render());     }      public static result hello(long id) {         return ok("hello, no. " + id);     }  } 


this index page.  <form name="hellobutton" action="hello?id=100" method="get">     <input type="submit" value="hello"> </form> 

according play documentation, id supposed extracted query string ?id=100. however, when click submit button, request becomes hello? rather hello?id=100, , error this:

for request 'get /hello?' [missing parameter: id]

can tell me why happening, please? thank in advance.

the problem form:

<form name="hellobutton" action="hello?id=100" method="get">     <input type="submit" value="hello"> </form> 

as form method set get, it's changing query string. method="get" tells browser add contents of form query string means current query string gets removed.

you can add id hidden field in form this:

<form name="hellobutton" action="hello" method="get">     <input type="hidden" name="id" value="100">     <input type="submit" value="hello"> </form> 

that tell browser add hidden field query string resulting in hello?id=100. alternatively change form method post.


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