java - Get time of NTP-Server from Android App -

dear android developers,

i'm trying implement sntpclient class in application didn't work.


in code have following lines:

public void onclickbtn(view v) {     sntpclient client = new sntpclient();      if (client.requesttime("", 10)) {          long = client.getntptime() + systemclock.elapsedrealtime() - client.getntptimereference();          toast.maketext(this, "offset: " + now, toast.length_long).show();      } }  

i don't know meaning of network timeout in case.

it great, when has idea or tip me.

thanks in advance!

you should put in asynctask :

class getntpasynctask extends asynctask<string, void, boolean> {  @override         protected boolean doinbackground(string... params) {             private sntpclient sntpclient = new sntpclient();             return sntpclient.requesttime("", 30000);         } } 

timeout: network timeout in milliseconds. use 30000 mean 30 seconds.


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