shell - decrypting a variable in a scripting environment of Linux -

what $@ in unix shell script signify. example:

a__job="$class $@" 

where $class has java class file name. might meaning of


what did do? googled :) $@ seems complex query ir or maybe not know how search google special characters.

$@ value of arguments passed.

for example, if pass:

./script b c d 

then "$@" equal "a" "b" "c" "d"

so looks purpose passe arguments passed script directly java program.

from bash manual:

@ expands positional parameters, starting one. when expansion occurs within double quotes, each parameter expands separate word. is, "$@" equivalent "$1" "$2" ... if double-quoted expansion occurs within word, expansion of first parameter joined beginning part of original word, , expansion of last parameter joined last part of original word. when there no positional parameters, "$@" , $@ expand nothing (i.e., removed).


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