ruby - Stub pass parameter to scope -

i have scope in model looks like:

scope :public, -> { another_scope.where(v_id: 1) } 

when stub model in tests:


it passes value scope receive

wrong number of arguments (1 0) 

how can avoid this? when change to:

scope :public, ->(arg) { another_scope.where(v_id: 1) } 

it works fine, arg never used

it works fine when don't use lambda ex:

scope :public, another_scope.where(v_id: 1) 

use proc instead of lambda.

scope :public, proc{ another_scope.where( v_id: 1 ) } 

lambdas "strict" kind of proc require right amount of arguments.

alternatively, here's little hack if want keep 'stabby lambda' syntax (though it's not readable, , looks oddly disturbing me, miniature eye of sauron):

scope :public, ->(*){ another_scope.where( v_id: 1 ) } 

the splat functions same way when use in method signatures def foo( *args ); end, except args don't captured in variable.


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