JQuery and prototype namespace -

hello starting jquery plugins, having problems understanding namespace.

given example below, when enter "submit" function, how prototype instance inside submit function? "var self = this;" in other function? in method refers form element.

(function ($, window, document, undefined) {     var pluginprototype = {         init: function (options, element) {             var self = this;              $(element).find('form').submit(self.submit);             self.othermethod();         },          submit: function(){             var self = this; // form element         },          othermethod: function () {             var self = this; // prototype         },     }      $.fn.pluginname = function (options) {         return this.each(function () {             var plugin = object.create(pluginprototype);             plugin.init(options, this);              $.data(this, 'pluginname', comment);             //              // $.data($(select)[0], 'comment');         });     };      $.fn.pluginname.settings = {      }; }(jquery, window, document)); 

actually, there misunderstood concepts here:

  1. there's no "prototype instance" in case. prototype property of functions when used constructors. in case, pluginprototype plain object, prototype object.prototype.

  2. "this" keword containing current function execution context , can modified depending on how call given function.

  3. i suggest reading bit jquery plugin development here: http://learn.jquery.com/plugins/

that said, can suggest typical approach:

  1. have methods of plugin properties of "methods" object (your current pluginprototype)

  2. implement logic inside $.fn.pluginname function handle different execution requests.

    return this.each(function() {     if (methods[method]) {         return methods[method].apply(this, array.prototype.slice.call(parameters, 1));     } else if ( typeof method === "object" || ! method ) {         return methods.init.apply(this, parameters);     } else {         $.error("method "+method+"does not exist on wonderful plugin");     } }); 

    a. plugin initialization called via $("…").plugin({option: value, …});

    b. plugin methods called via $("…").plugin("method name", argument1, argument2, …);

  3. all methods called "this" pointing current jquery-wrapped dom element; so, call method inside method go with:

    methods.methodname.call(this, argument1, argument2); 

hope helps you.


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