python - matplotlib tick axis notation with superscript -

i produce plot on frequencies. want have x-axis superscript notation in here. in addition need vertical lines vertical annotation separate kilo , mega hz.

import numpy np import matplotlib.pyplot plt band = np.linspace(0,10**12,100) y = band  plt.plot(band,y) plt.xlabel('frequencies')  plt.vlines(10**3, min(y), max(y),colors = 'black', label = 'kilo hz') plt.vlines(10**6, min(y), max(y),colors = 'black', label = 'mega hz') plt.legend() 

i tried use ticker can't figure out how set it. tried follow some examples got error attributeerror: 'figure' object has no attribute 'ticklabel_format' spend quite lot of time on , don't know how move forward.

in general need x-axis formatted in similar way, if plt.xscale('log') want keep linear scale.

you can define tick-marks strings , assign those:

mport numpy np import matplotlib.pyplot plt band = np.linspace(0,10**12,100) y = band  plt.plot(band,y) plt.xlabel("frequencies")  plt.vlines(10**3, min(y), max(y),colors = 'black', label = 'kilo hz') plt.vlines(10**6, min(y), max(y),colors = 'black', label = 'mega hz')  string_labels = [] in range(0,len(y),10):     string_labels.append(r"$10^{%02d}$" % (i/10.0))  plt.xticks(np.linspace(0,10**12,10),string_labels)  plt.legend() 


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