Ruby Regex extract numbers -

i wanted grab numbers between td 's , store in data. used * represent information want get.

data = data.match(<td class="yfnc_tabledata1">*</td>) 

regex expression grabing numbers in general complicated one, because numbers come in kinds of shapes , colors. need decide kinds of numbers interested in, integers, with/without sign, floats, exponential notation, accept/not accept leading +... try @ regex fits needs. and, of course, suggested in comments, please don't parse markup langugages regexen.

for example, site cited above, can find regex:


with description: matches real number, optional decimal point , numbers after decimal, , optional positive (+) or negative (-) designation.

it whether want enclose regex in ^ , $, or requirements have eg. whitespaces in front or behind numbers etc. note regex example gave matches (ie. validates) numbers, grab them, have care [+-] signs.


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