haskell - How to querying the database inside the makeApplication function -

i'm attempting fork non-web service in yesod application, , needs interaction database. this post decided put service in makeapplication. service return value when things happen , store database. thus, i'm wondering whats best way this?

how run rundb $ insert $ stuff (t.pack "stuff") inside makeapplication function?

edit: suggested michael made following helper function inside application.hs

rundbio conf foundation f =     dbconf <- withyamlenvironment "config/postgresql.yml" (appenv conf)         database.persist.loadconfig >>=         database.persist.applyenv     p <- database.persist.createpoolconfig (dbconf :: settings.persistconf)     logger <- mklogger true stdout      runloggingt         (database.persist.runpool dbconf f p)         (messageloggersource foundation logger) 

and in makeapplication used so:

rundbio conf foundation $     dbid <- insert $ stuff (t.pack "some random stuff")     string <- dbid     liftio $ print string 

however, i'm getting compile error:

no instance (resourcet-0.4.5:control.monad.trans.resource.monadresource io) arising use of 'insert' 

am inputting wrong type runpool? or need make instance insert? don't see why runmigration migrateall works insert not.

you can see demonstration of how run database action in io monad in the scaffolding itself. need provide 2 pieces of information: how log queries, , database connection pool. factor code out helper function (e.g., rundbio), , run rundbio $ insert $ stuff $ t.pack "stuff".


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