jquery ui - Autocomplete in dynamically added textbox -

how add auto-complete in dynamically added textbox? have used way $('#se').autocomplete();, not getting that.

$(document).ready(function() {     var counter = 2;     $("#addbutton").click(function ()      {         var newtextboxdiv = $(document.createelement('div'))          .attr("id", 'textboxdiv' + counter);          newtextboxdiv.after().html(           '<input type="text" placeholder="role" name="role' + counter +            '" id="textbox' + counter + '" value="" > <input type="text"           placeholder="search" name="search' + counter +            '" id="se" value="" > <input type="hidden"  name="search' + counter +            '" id="se' + counter + '" value="" >');          newtextboxdiv.appendto("#textboxesgroup");         $('#se').autocomplete();         counter++;     });  <div id='textboxesgroup'>     <div id="textboxdiv1" class="form-inline control-group">         <%= text_field_tag('roles', nil,:id => 'textbox1')%>         <%= text_field_tag('search', nil,:id => 'se')%>         <%=hidden_field_tag(:id_search, value = "")%>         <input type='button' value='add' id='addbutton'>     </div> </div> 

there issues string concatination , selection in code:-

main thing $('#se' + counter).autocomplete({source: availabletags}); weren't attaching counter here. , there no source too. in example have attached hummy source, static source or ajax inyour case.

see doc more details...


try this:-

$("#addbutton").click(function () {    var newtextboxdiv = $(document.createelement('div'))      .attr("id", 'textboxdiv' + counter);     newtextboxdiv.after().html('<input type="text" placeholder="role" name="role' +   counter +   '" id="textbox' + counter + '" value=""> <input type="text" placeholder="search" name="search' + counter + '" id="se' + counter + '" > <input type="hidden"  name="search' + counter + '" value="" >'); newtextboxdiv.appendto("#textboxesgroup");     $('#se' + counter).autocomplete({source: availabletags}); counter++;  }); 

for more clarity should use jquery element constructor , build lements more readeability demo

 var roleinput = $('<input/>',{         type:'text',         placeholder:'role',         name:'role'+counter,         id:'textbox' + counter     });      var searchinput = $('<input/>',{         type:'text',         placeholder:'search',         name:'search'+counter,         id:'se' + counter     });      var hidd=$('<input/>',{         type:'hidden',         name:'searchhid'+counter,         id:'searchhid' + counter     });       newtextboxdiv.append(roleinput).append(searchinput).append(hidd);     newtextboxdiv.appendto("#textboxesgroup");     $('#se' + counter).autocomplete({         source: availabletags     });     counter++; 


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