Importing Images in SQL Server: Follow On -

this follow on question dynamic sql solution found on stack overflow. use code model used in previous example. problem getting following error: msg 4104, level 16, state 1, line 1 multi-part identifier "abc123.jpg" not bound , not understand why image names indeed loaded. @ wits end. feel close making solution work cannot beyond issue.

please find sample code below:

declare assetcursor cursor fast_forward     select image_file_name         images  declare @sql nvarchar(4000) declare @image_file_name varchar(50)  open assetcursor        while (1=1) begin     fetch next assetcursor @image_file_name      if @@fetch_status<>0 break      set @sql = n'update dbo.images                      set doc_image =                           (select *                                openrowset(bulk n''c:\myimages\' + cast(@image_file_name varchar(50)) + n'.jpg'', single_blob) img)                               image_file_name = ' + cast(@image_file_name varchar(50))      exec(@sql)    end /* while */  close assetcursor deallocate assetcursor 


where image_file_name = '' + cast(@image_file_name varchar(50)) + ''

where '' 2 single-quotes, not double quote. you're building dynamic sql literal string within needs layer of apostrophies


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