objective c - switch for a TabBarView without StoryBoard -

i have connectionviewcontroller , when click on test button, switch tabviewcontroller.

in connectionviewcontroller :

- (ibaction)testbutton:(id)sender {      tabbarviewcontroller *tabbarviewcontroller = [[tabbarviewcontroller alloc] init];      [self presentviewcontroller:tabbarviewcontroller animated:yes completion:nil];   } 

but when click on test button, tabbarview black, without anything.

what fix ? modal segue, not push.

thx lot

[edit] : solution create custom segue class customsegue.m method :

-(void) perform {      connectionviewcontroller *src = (connectionviewcontroller*) self.sourceviewcontroller;     tabbarviewcontroller *dest = (tabbarviewcontroller*) self.destinationviewcontroller;      [uiview transitionwithview:src.navigationcontroller.view duration:0.2 options:uiviewanimationoptiontransitionflipfromleft animations:^{          [src presentviewcontroller:dest animated:yes completion:null];      }                     completion:null];  } 

the reason why tab bar controller black not have viewcontrollers present. need set tabbarcontroller.viewcontrollers property before present it. lets want present tabbarviewcontroller viewcontroller1 on first tab , viewcontroller2 on second tab.

tabbarviewcontroller.viewcontrollers = @[viewcontroller1, viewcontroller2]; 


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