azure - Autoscaling Application Block not Increasing/Decreasing Instances -

i have implemented autoscaling using enterpise library autoscaling block, pretty described in the tutorial.

so first time when running load test site it's increasing instance count one.

and when running load again cpu usage 100% it's not increasing instance count. , when cpu usage 0% it's not decreasing instance count.

so wrong here?

i have following rules , service xml. rules xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <rules xmlns="">   <constraintrules>     <rule name="default" enabled="true" rank="1"         description="the default constraint rule">       <actions>         <range min="2" max="5" target="servicewebrole"/>       </actions>     </rule>   </constraintrules>   <reactiverules>      <rule name="scaleuponhighutilization" rank="10"          description="scale web role" enabled="true">        <when>          <any>            <greaterorequal operand="webrolea_cpu_avg_5m" than="60"/>          </any>        </when>        <actions>          <scale target="servicewebrole" by="1"/>        </actions>      </rule>      <rule name="scaledownonlowutilization" rank="11"          description="scale web role" enabled="true">        <when>          <all>            <less operand="webrolea_cpu_avg_5m" than="40"/>          </all>        </when>        <actions>          <scale target="servicewebrole" by="-1"/>        </actions>      </rule>    </reactiverules>    <operands>      <performancecounter alias="webrolea_cpu_avg_5m"         performancecountername="\processor(_total)\% processor time"         source="servicewebrole" timespan="00:05:00" aggregate="average"/>    </operands> </rules> 

service xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <servicemodel      xmlns="">   <subscriptions>     <subscription name="my subscription name"         certificatethumbprint="my subscription certificatethumbprint"         subscriptionid="my subscriptionid"         certificatestorelocation="localmachine" certificatestorename="my">       <services>         <service dnsprefix="productionservice" slot="production" scalingmode="scale">           <roles>             <role alias="servicewebrole" rolename="servicewebrole"                  wadstorageaccountname="targetstorage"/>           </roles>         </service>       </services>       <storageaccounts>          <storageaccount alias="targetstorage"             connectionstring="defaultendpointsprotocol=https;accountname=autoscale;accountkey=storageaccountkey">          </storageaccount>        </storageaccounts>      </subscription>   </subscriptions> </servicemodel> 


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