c# - Ajax call back function called always after first call -

i want auto load using ajax call function getdata function keep being called after first same parameters. here javascript codes:

        var currentpage = 0;         var isfinished = false;         var lastscrolltop = 0;      $(window).data('ajaxready', true).scroll(function (e) {             if ($(window).data('ajaxready') == false) return;               $(window).scroll(function (event) {                 var st = $(this).scrolltop();                 if (st > lastscrolltop) {                     if (st > window.innerheight) {                         var amountvalue = $("#amount").val();                          var firstprice = 0;                         var lastprice = 10000;                          infinitescroll(firstprice, lastprice);                     }                  }               });          });     function infinitescroll(firstprice, lastprice) {              if (firstprice < 0 || firstprice == undefined) {                 firstprice = 0;             }             if (lastprice < 0 || lastprice == undefined) {                 lastprice = 10000;             }              if (isfinished) {                 return;             }               $('#divpostsloader').html('<img src="images/loader.gif">');              var rawpath = window.location.pathname.split('/');             var categoryid = rawpath[rawpath.length - 1];              $("#load").show();                $.ajax({                 type: "post",                 url: "http://localhost:60579/ajaxcallpage.aspx/getdata",                 data: "{categoryid:" + categoryid +                             ",page:" + currentpage +                             ",skip:'9',firstprice:" + firstprice + ",lastprice:" + lastprice + "}",                 contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8",                 datatype: "json",                 success: function (data) {                     if (data.d.length < 3) {                         isfinished = true;                     }                     var products = json.parse(data.d);                     $.each(json.parse(data.d), function () {                         // ... smth..                        });                       currentpage += 1;                      $("#load").hide();                 }             });         }; 

i don't scroll down calls getdata function after first call. have suggesiton?

the problem here:

if (st > lastscrolltop) {                 if (st > window.innerheight) { 

check out because reason entering in part of function without scrolling. if have time take look.


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