Rails - How Do I Nest Comments - Polymorphism -

for application, have projects. have used polymorphism build model called "newcomment" comments made on these projects. followed railscast. works great.

but now, want build comments on top of comments. tried following tutorial (http://kconrails.com/2010/10/23/nested-comments-in-ruby-on-rails-1-models/) , (http://kconrails.com/2011/01/26/nested-comments-in-ruby-on-rails-controllers-and-views/). put form comments in each comment render. adjusted newcomment.rb model, newcomment has_many newcomments , routes.rb file.

question: right now, when make comment in form of each comment, posts comment project , not response specific comment. how adjust code can have comments comments?


class newcomment < activerecord::base   attr_accessible :content, :user_id   belongs_to :commentable, polymorphic: true   has_many :newcomments, :as => :commentable    belongs_to :user    scope :newest, order("created_at desc")    validates :content, presence: true end 


class newcommentscontroller < applicationcontroller   before_filter :load_commentable   before_filter :authenticate_user!  def create     @newcomment = @commentable.newcomments.new(params[:newcomment])      if @newcomment.save       redirect_to comments_project_path(@commentable), notice: "comment created."     else       render :new     end end  def destroy     if current_user.try(:admin?)         @newcomment = newcomment.find(params[:id])         @commentable = @newcomment.commentable         @newcomment.destroy          if @newcomment.destroy             redirect_to comments_url, notice: "comment deleted."         end     else         @newcomment = newcomment.find(params[:id])         @commentable = @newcomment.commentable         @newcomment.destroy          if @newcomment.destroy            redirect_to comments_project_path(@commentable), notice: "comment deleted."         end     end end  private     def load_commentable             resource, id = request.path.split('/')[1,2]             @commentable = resource.singularize.classify.constantize.find(id)     end  end 


resources :projects     resources :newcomments       resources :newcomments     end end 


<%= render @newcomments %> 


def comments     @commentable = @project     @newcomments = @commentable.newcomments.newest.page(params[:comments_page]).per_page(10)     @newcomment = newcomment.new end 


<div class="comments">      <%= link_to newcomment.user.name %></strong>     posted <%= time_ago_in_words(newcomment.created_at) %> ago     <%= newcomment.content %> </div>  <span class="comment">     <%= form_for [@commentable, @newcomment] |f| %>       <div class="field">         <%= f.text_area :content, rows: 3, :class => "span8" %>       </div>        <%= f.hidden_field :user_id, :value => current_user.id %>        <div class="actions">         <%= f.submit "add comment", :class => "btn btn-header" %>       </div>      <% end %>      <% unless newcomment.newcomments.empty? %>        <%= render @newcomments %>     <% end %> </span> 

all need, instead of working on scrap, is: https://github.com/elight/acts_as_commentable_with_threading


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