c# - For valid DateTime(Error shows string was not recognized ) -

i trying convert string formated value date type format dd/mm/yyyy. runs fine when enter fromdate(dd/mm/yyyy) in textbox fine , todate(dd/mm/yyyy) in textbox gives error string not recognized valid datetime.what problem dont know. same code run on appliction run fine in application shows error.

below have used array required format , split used.

string fromdate = punchin.tostring(); string[] arrfromdate = fromdate.split('/'); fromdate = arrfromdate[1].tostring() + "/" + arrfromdate[0].tostring() + "/" + arrfromdate[2].tostring(); datetime d1 = datetime.parse(fromdate.tostring()); 

i got 5/13/2013 12:21:35 pm in string fromdate

use datetime.tryparseexact, don't have split string based on / , first 3 items array instead can do:

datetime dt; if (datetime.tryparseexact("5/13/2013 12:21:35 pm",                                   "m/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",                                   cultureinfo.invariantculture,                                   datetimestyles.none,                                   out dt)) {     //date fine } 

using single d , single m can accomodate single digit double digits day/month part. you can pass punchin string parameter, calling tostring on string types redundant.


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