vb.net - Refreshing an ASP.Net GridView if an ASP.Net button and the GridView are in different asp:Content blocks -

we refresh asp.net gridview if asp.net button , gridview in different asp:content blocks

in working asp.net web form had datasource, gridview, detailsview, various other controls, asp:textbox , asp:button searching data based on user enters textbox. of these in single asp:content block , had asp:updatepanel.

we decided change layout of form , separate gridview , detailsview , place them asp:content block. when form run, showed in correct locations on screen , showed data database expected.

we discovered if user entered search criteria , clicked search button, code in code-behind file did execute gridview did not refresh.

i'm going assume coding needs added in code-behind file that.

here markup search button 1 of asp:content blocks:

<asp:content  id="contentbody"  contentplaceholderid="bodyplaceholder"  runat="server">  <% '-- ajax enable area flicker cut down minumum. -- %> <% '---------------------------------------------------------------- %> <asp:updatepanel      id="updatepanelsummary"      runat="server"      updatemode="conditional">      <contenttemplate>           <h1>classes / subjects maintenance</h1>          class search:         <asp:textbox              id="textboxsearch"              runat="server"              width="207px"              text="all">         </asp:textbox>          <asp:button              id="buttonsearch"              runat="server"              text="search"             onclick="buttonsearch_click" />          <asp:button              id="buttonsearchall"              runat="server"              text="show classes"              onclick="buttonsearchall_click"/>          <br />          <asp:button              id="buttonaddnewclass"              runat="server"              text="add new class list" />         <br />          <strong><span class="auto-style1">         <br />         send email of list, enter email address of whom wish send click envelope.</span></strong>                 <br />         <br />          recipient:         <asp:textbox id="textboxemailrecipient" runat="server" width="203px"></asp:textbox>         <strong><span class="auto-style1">&nbsp;</span></strong>          <asp:imagebutton              id="imagebuttonemailthislist"              runat="server"              borderstyle="none"              imageurl="~/images/email1.png"              onclick="imagebuttonemailthislist_click"              tooltip="email list report." height="50px" width="50px"          />          <br />         <asp:label id="labelemailmessage" runat="server" style="font-weight: 700; color: black"></asp:label>         <br />      </contenttemplate> </asp:updatepanel> </asp:content> 

this markup of asp:content block has gridview:

<asp:content id="detailsbody"  contentplaceholderid="detailsplaceholder"  runat="server">  <asp:updatepanel      id="updatepaneldetails"      runat="server"      updatemode="conditional">      <contenttemplate>           <% '-- gridview (grid) summary.                                                -- %>         <% '-- user chooses class here , details shown in detailsview.  -- %>         <% '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %>          <asp:gridview             id="gridviewsummary"              runat="server"              allowsorting="true"              autogeneratecolumns="false"              datakeynames="id"              width="401px"              allowpaging="true"              pagesize="3">              <columns>                 <asp:boundfield datafield="classname" headertext="class / subject"                      sortexpression="classname" >                      <headerstyle horizontalalign="left" />                     <itemstyle horizontalalign="left" />                 </asp:boundfield>                  <asp:boundfield datafield="grade" headertext="grade"                      sortexpression="grade" >                      <headerstyle horizontalalign="left" />                     <itemstyle horizontalalign="left" />                 </asp:boundfield>                  <asp:commandfield buttontype="button" selecttext="select class details"                      showselectbutton="true"/>             </columns>             <pagersettings firstpagetext="first" lastpagetext="last" mode="nextpreviousfirstlast" nextpagetext="next" previouspagetext="previous"/>         </asp:gridview>       </contenttemplate> </asp:updatepanel>      </asp:content> 

a lot of controls have been taken out code easier follow.

this coding code-behind file loads data gridview after user clicks search button:

protected sub buttonsearch_click(sender object, e eventargs)      ' show schedules user wants.     '-----------------------------------     gridviewsummary.datasource = thetableadapter.getdatabyallclasses(textboxsearch.text)     gridviewsummary.databind() end sub 

you can call updatepaneldetails.update() after bind data on buttonsearch_click

protected sub buttonsearch_click(sender object, e eventargs)      ' show schedules user wants.     '-----------------------------------     gridviewsummary.datasource = thetableadapter.getdatabyallclasses(textboxsearch.text)     gridviewsummary.databind()     updatepaneldetails.update() end sub 


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