php - How to hide the previously loaded ajax content, using toggle function -
this how pagination script works
1: on page load - ajax load content automatically (done)
2: onclick load_more btn(using toggle show) - load , show more content (done)
3: onclick load_more btn(using toogle hide) - hide whatever loaded @ set 2 (how implement this)
<div class="resultsblock"> <div class="results"></div> <div class="clear:left;"></div> <button class="load_more" id="load_more_button"></button> <div class="animation_image" style="display:block;">loading...</div> </div> <script> jquery(document).ready(function() { var url = ""; var track_click = 1; //track user click on "load more" button var total_pages = <?php echo $this->totalpages(); ?>; console.log(total_pages); // default load jquery('.results').load(url, {'p':track_click}, function() { jquery('.animation_image').hide(); if(total_pages==1) { jquery(".load_more").hide(); } else { jquery(".load_more").show(); } } ); jquery(".load_more").toggle(function(){ jquery(this).hide(); jquery('.animation_image').show(); console.log(track_click); // ajax load first load,{'p': track_click}, function(data) { jquery(".load_more").show(); jquery(".results").append(data); jquery('.animation_image').hide(); }); // how hide elements loaded ajax },function(){console.log('hide previous load')}); --- step 3 }); // may not affect toggle. waiting ajax finish , perform more.. jquery(document).ajaxcomplete(function(){ if(jquery('.prod').length != 0) { jquery(".prod").hover(function(){ jquery(this).find(".prod_title").hide(); jquery(this).find(".prod_desc").fadein(); },function(){ jquery(this).find(".prod_desc").fadeout(); jquery(this).find(".prod_title_wrap").show(); jquery(this).find(".prod_title").show(); }); } }); </script>
i don't want hide first content showing on page load in starting. how can achieve please suggest something. thank you
i think, do:
... jquery(".load_more").show(); jquery(".results").fadeout(function() { jquery(".results") .empty() .append(data) .fadein() ; }); ...
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