ember.js - Ember manual url change does not update the page -
im in need of help. if come ember app url so
the page loads should. if manually change url simple this
it not change data. have make sure page hard refresh current data.
i getting event trace in console since have log_transitions set in app
transitioned 'clients.client.claims.claim.index'
any idea on going wrong?
the router
nucleus.router.map(function () { this.resource("clients", { path: 'clients' }, function () { this.resource("client", { path: ':client_id' }, function () { this.resource("claims", function () { this.resource('claim', { path: '/:claim_id/:claim_sub' }, function () { this.resource('lines', function () { this.resource('line', { path: ':line_id' }, function () { this.resource('flags', function () { this.resource('flag', { path: ':flag_id' }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); this.route("errors", { path: '/errors/:error_id' }); });
my routes so
nucleus.clientsroute = nucleus.route.extend({ model: function (params) { return nucleus.client.find('clients'); } }); nucleus.clientroute = nucleus.route.extend({ model: function (params) { return nucleus.client.find('client', params); } }); nucleus.claimsroute = nucleus.route.extend({ model: function (params) { var client = this.modelfor('client'), clientid = client.get('data.id'); params.client_id = clientid; return nucleus.claim.find('claims', params); }, gotonextclaim: function (claim) { this.transitionto('claim', claim); } }); nucleus.claimroute = nucleus.route.extend({ model: function (params) { var client = this.modelfor('client'), clientid = client.get('data.id'); params.client_id = clientid; return nucleus.claim.find('claim', params); } }); nucleus.applicationroute = ember.route.extend({ setupcontroller: function () { this.controllerfor('meta_property').set('model', nucleus.metaproperty.find('meta_property')); this.controllerfor('header').set('model', nucleus.user.find("user")); } });
and controllers so
nucleus.applicationcontroller = nucleus.controller.extend({ needs: ['meta_property'], iserrorpage: false, currentpathdidchange: function () { if (this.get('currentpath') === 'errors') { this.set('iserrorpage', true); } else { this.set('iserrorpage', false); } }.observes('currentpath') }); nucleus.claimcontroller = nucleus.objectcontroller.extend({}); nucleus.clientcontroller = nucleus.objectcontroller.extend({});
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