using checkbox in telerik grid -

i'm using checkbox in telerik grid. following code

@(html.telerik().grid<productmodel>(                     .name("products-grid")                     .columns(columns =>                     {                         columns.bound(x =>                         .clienttemplate("<input type='checkbox' name='checkedrecords' value='<#= id #>' />")                         .title("")                         .width(36)                         .htmlattributes(new { style = "text-align:center" });                          columns.bound(x =>;                         columns.bound(x =>;                         columns.bound(x => x.published)                             .width(100)                             .template(x => x.published.tostring().tolower())                             .centered();                      })                     .pageable(settings =>                     .databinding(databinding => databinding.ajax().select("productreport", "product"))                     .clientevents(events => events.ondatabinding("ondatabinding"))                     .enablecustombinding(true)                     ) 

i see id's in checkbox column instead of checkboxes. can tell me wrong code ??

i checked question , few other dint answer problem..

the problem code definition, defined template in ajax call mode (with clienttemplate method):

.clienttemplate("<input type='checkbox' name='checkedrecords' value='<#= id #>' />") 

but should define server-side template too, template used @ first , direct request:

.template(@<text><input type='checkbox' name='checkedrecords' value='' /></text>) 


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