three.js - Three JS Map Material causes WebGL Warning -

i'm trying define material meshes loaded in objloader through following wrapper function:

function applytexture(src){     var texture = new three.texture();     var loader = new three.imageloader();     loader.addeventlistener( 'load', function ( event ) {         texture.image = event.content;         texture.needsupdate = true;          // find meshes loaded obj , apply texture it.         object.traverse( function ( child ) {             if ( child instanceof three.mesh ) {                 if("lens") < 0){                     child.dynamic = true;                     child.material = new three.meshlambertmaterial( { color: 0xdddddd, shading: three.flatshading, map : texture } );                    // tried:                    //child.material = new three.meshphongmaterial( { color: 0x000000, specular: 0x666666, emissive: 0x000000, ambient: 0x000000, shininess: 10, shading: three.smoothshading, map : texture} );                    // and:                    //child.material = new three.meshbasicmaterial({map : texture});           = texture; // won't throw webgl warning, won't show texture either;                } else {                    // works fine.                    child.material = new three.meshphongmaterial( { color: 0x000000, specular: 0x666666, emissive: 0x000011, ambient: 0x000000, shininess: 10, shading: three.smoothshading, opacity: 0.6, transparent: true } );                }             }         });     });     loader.load( src ); } 

when texture has loaded , it's time apply material mesh, start getting following warning on console:

.webglrenderingcontext: gl error :gl_invalid_operation : gldrawelements: attempt access out of range vertices in attribute 0  

and mesh disappears.

what doing wrong here?


as @westlangley pointed on comments: never try apply texture/materials after things have been rendered. create materials before rendering object scene , change them using: = texture 

with webglrenderer, can't switch material without texture, material texture, after mesh has been rendered once. because, without initial texture, geometry not have necessary baked-in webgl uv buffers.

a work-around begin material having simple white texture.

update: alternatively, can begin textureless material, , set following flags when texture added:

material.needsupdate = true; geometry.buffersneedupdate = true; geometry.uvsneedupdate = true; 

three.js r.58


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