c# - Accepting a non fixed length group of parameters in a function -
so i'm trying build logging function, i'm hoping taking format
public static void addtolog(guid someid, logarea mylogger, string message, object object1, object object2... ... ...);
the second last parameter i'd accept string in format of akin string.format , last x parameters objects replace string format with.
i'm having hard time because can't remember programming concept called search find examples of in c#. realise there's fantastic logging packages out there - need special that's why i'm re-inventing wheel :d
could suggest how tell c# not expect fixed length of parameters? (and bonus points if knows how best document in ///
notation i'd appreciate it).
you looking params[]
public static void addtolog(guid someid, logarea mylogger, string message, params object[] list) { // can use array console.writeline("guid:{0} message:{1} objects:{2}" , someid, message, string.join(",", list)); }
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